Heroes4hire's Recent Forum Activity

  • good shout lionz.

    turns out, it really wasnt hard just to set all enemies to just be a difforent object.

    there was a reason i set them to all be the same object... im sure it will come bite me in the arse later.

    but. what i have works now.

    pick highest is fine when the enemy is different object

  • nope, i need to rephrase it.

    i need to pick the highest attack.

    but, out of objects that have a position variable between 11-20.

    to explain. i have 10 heroes, 10 enemies.

    each with a variable position. enemies are 11-20

    so, on attacking, the attack animation needs to spawn on the strongest enemy.

    i need to pick highest attack stat, where position is above 10, less than 21

  • op. there it is.

    pick by highest lowest

    sorry to bother you all

  • doing battle. heroe attacks highest att stat enemy.

    if there an easy way to pick an instance of an object with the highest att stat?

    yeah i could make a loop, to run down from 1000-0, and stop when the object att stat = the loop.

    but.. honestly, attack could be in the 100's of thousands.

  • working perfectly.

    man, its 37C i think im blinded by sweat half the time.

  • in fact... looking at the screen shot, the resetting function was there... sorry. ive either been at it all day, or i wasnt wearing my glasses...

    im reasonably new to the function aspect of c3 either way

  • ok... i added a new function to test it..

    both showed up in the call function list... dont know what that was about

  • dop2000

    yup, i have that

    just no call function option...

  • sorry! should be obvious.

    i made a function. just to reset squares to 0 before assigning the clicked one to the selection value.

    but. i need to call the function.. there is no "call function" action.

    did i set up the function incorrectly? i said return value none.

    its multiple instances, so i needed it to run outside of the event.

  • 3d objects have sprites assigned to a side.

    changing the image of a 3d object, is as simple as changing the sprite it is set to look like.

    you could have a 3d square inside the square, to have walls set as hollow appearance, with no top showing, then set this inner 3d cube to have the width of the desired hole size.

    construct 3, unless im unaware, doesnt have great 3d rendering outside of isometric shapes

    working it out, it will be sheerly aesthetics.

    hope this is useful. more than likley someone else knows better.

    there is always the option of just having hundreds of 3d squares... and deleting them.

    thats going to slow the game down mind you

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  • a ahhh


    im going to level with you. i got walled in my dungeon keeper game, as i wanted to connect adjacent tiles as 1 room.

    however, i was doing this with multiple rooms and the blocks didnt automaticly move to position.

    so, again. tilemap.

    just have an invisible tilemap on screen. when you release the object, have it snap to position ( or as i did it, just have the shape move with the mouse, but snap to squares (ie, it can only ever cover tilemap squares, cant overlap)

    then on release. set the tiles that are covered by the object to become tile 1.

    you can do this by comparing the blocks position/tile width so 128,128 will become tile 4,4 (if the tile size is 32)

    then. you can use a for each tile condition, and +1 to a global variable for each tile set to 1

    this works perfectly for a 1 square block. if its a 3x bloclk, youll have to figure out the calculation to assign 3x tiles

    1 more thing to note. set the hit box of the tiles used in the tile map to be slightly smaller than the box, or they can count incorrectly sometimes.

    i hope this helps!

    if you need me to be specific on anything, let me know. but, i am working on a big project with some people atm.

  • waiit are you trying to box in an area.

    so you have 1 sprite, and it randomly generates an area around its self

    tile maps might be the way forwards

    check out flood filling examples.

    after flood filling, you could just +1 to a perimeter variable for each tile thats filled.

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