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  • i can click it, but it doesnt take z-elevation into account, and where it is relevant to the camera.

    i have a selector (drag on mouse down) but it wont select spites with elevation properly on overlap


  • if i click a sprite. it selects the sprite. but if sprite has z elevation, it will click true, for its supposed position, not its actual position..

    (spite holds all 3d block family variables)

    3d sprites cant spawn objects?? i want to spawn and set hierarchy to a sprite that will define its animation... whats up with that? or is there a plugin?

  • ah fixed 80% of lag. just copied in code that spawns too many things

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  • i exported the project as a an html file. how do i upload it?

    i read i have to save it to a server (not onedrive).. if thats true how do i do that?

    then how do i post it here.

    im having lag problems, and regenerating obstacles doesnt neem to work. all code is organised.

    its an example of selecting 3d blocks with a drag tool. movement of multiple playerbase, and digging to destroy a block.

  • so. i have bloicks, when clicked they are toggeled on to dig.

    the player moves to it and digs it.

    if you unselect it, it chooses another nearest to instance.

    problem is, its picking blocks through other blocks. it mines based on the blocks uid. so its not an overlapping problem.

    i could do check distance on arrived. but it would just check for the same block as nearest again after.

    i was thinking on having it check many blocks at once. if it cant reach on arrived choose next one on list.

    so how do i check multiple objects in ascending order?

    other solutions are super welcomed!

    ill upload this for others to see soon. ideally i wanted to finish the checks and a selector box first

  • perfect thankyou very much

  • i added a hud layer. its layer is 3, walls are layer 1.

    but 3d objects go above the hud

    any obvious way to fix this? or do i have to adjust the z elevation?

  • got a problem, i can go into 3d mode, run around. i can spawn a 3d object in front of player (meele attack). set its side to a sprite, it plays the animation. super

    but i want the block to disappear after.

    there isn't a ^when animation ends^ trigger for a 3d block.. i put in a wait on created then destroy.

    but the animation no longer plays

    i could ignore it as its invisible..... surely that will clutter performance?

    any advice? thanks all

  • yup, thatll do it

    on key is down, sat layoutangle to dt+layoutangle

  • ok, found a set layer angle. ill play around with it

    half the time posting just helps me think

  • i have a camera that moves and the screen pans to it. 2d, normal layout.

    i want it to rotate.

    so set the normal layout view at an angle. is this possible?

    a work around could be make a 3d camera on a top layer have it looking down, then rotate as it does. but... thats going to melt my brain, and easier solutions are welcomed if possible.

  • im making basically dungeon keeper now i have multiple instance movement and pathing set up.

    how do i rotate the camera on the layout view , i.e tilt the view point (so 3d blocks aren't just top down) and spin around the center point.(i have a working fps set up, but i want it just on the layout) i could do this in unity 9 years ago. but im rusty and new to c3

    3d advice. is their a good way to make characters..3d.. and animated. i can set each 3d wall to a sprite on start layout. but 3d characters that have animations.. i could set them to a sprite for each frame i guess, is that the most efficient way?

    im happy to do as is dungeon keeper1, and just have a 2d sprite rotate to the camera angle.

    thanks all you legends

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