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  • lionz

    yup, perfect advice. didnt think of that. massive thanks as always

  • lionz

    sounds simple enough. ill have to push gold away from imps when they are in the same x,y.

    buuut... can i pick nearest for 2 different objects? i can pick nearest imp, or i can pick nearest gold. hmm.. maybe with compare 2 values and distance. ill give it a go. not sure how it will work with multiple imps.

    i have a selector thats the size of a tile (96x96). i could try and break that up to 5 points, so when you drop something it picks a place in order. fun.

    always run into a problem at the end of coding something.

  • yo mOOnpunk

    you did picking up imps and placing them.

    1, you had awesome drop animation how did you achieve it?

    2, did you ever have difforent things to pick up? like gold?

    3, did you ever deal with overlapping objects that react to being clicked?

    nearly nailed the pick up system. but, im stuck with picking up gold and an imp at the same time... at least i organized it so i can use the same playerbase for monsters and imps if needed.

  • *edit2* simplify the request:

    imp. and gold. both can be picked up on click.

    but if they overlap, it picks up both at the same time.

    any idea on how to choose 1 thing?

    dungeon keeper had a highlight on what was selected.. no idea where to begin, its late.

    any help appreciated. helps me think when i try on it tomorrow. on click im setting a global variable to the clicked objects uid.

    thanks all

  • set a global variable for centerX

    do you want them to move like a foosball table? one goes right, the other goes with it.

    like a foosball table. 0X000c0X000 00X00c00X00 0000Xc0000X

    striker1.X-centerX= striker2.X C=500 S1=800 S2=800-500=300

    striker1.X-centerX= striker2.X C=500 S1=1000 S2=1000-500=500

    or.. like a mirror? one goes right, the other goes left? X0000c0000X


    striker2=0 c=500 striker1=1000


    st2=100 c=500 st1=900

    hope i mathed this out ok. i assume striker1 is right of center( as you said he has 100 pixels)

  • youtube.com/watch

    fantastic youtube video about setting up camera for 1st person.

    i was new to 3d in c3, but, this video is so simple i got up to speed on it very quickly.

    tips for you: check out "billboarding" there is a free example in the start page tab on c3. it will rotate objects to camera in a 3d plane.

  • mOOnpunk

    dude, hell yea i watched your clips! honestly, they were a huge inspiration going into this project.

    my sprites still have variables from a kenshi style game i was working on, but i shifted to dungeon keeper after seeing your posts

    maybe i can find a use for detaching limbs in dungeon keeper...

    was thinking on going down a pokemon route, where creatures can evolve

    either way, i see you are still active! and will reference your work if i get a problem!

    my major concern going forward is checking room size. i saw a fill example. that basically filled a set area walled off, within a tilemap.

    did you ever work with tilemaps, and get into doing a "size/area" as dungeon keeper did, to work out room efficiency. what creatures share a bedroom.

    understood it was a few years ago.

  • youtube.com/watch

    just a look at where im at. seeing as you guys are a huge help thought i would add video of progress

    i made the video on mobile... sorry about that.. ill do it more professional when the sprites are in

  • BaconSwagg

    wow wow wow. yup exactly what i was doing, and a great solution!

    if i sense the sprites are causing lag, im defiantly doing as you suggest!

    didnt see your post.. just wackytoasters.. or i wouldnt have spent half a day using sprites...

    at least its working right now. see how well it gets implemented into main game

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  • WackyToaster


    got it to work using spites! sorry its a video on my phone. for the main game, everything is scaled up, so pathfinding is easier

    yes... digging ming and map done.

    building should be easy now

  • ok, so, i have a digging game. like dungeon keeper.

    imps break 3d blocks. and i want them to then go claim the ground once the block has been destroyed. (they can already dig)

    i used a tile map. with all the different floors and room floors. Right now, there are 3 floor types:

    ground, ground that can be claimed, and claimed floor.

    i have made it so only ground next to a claimed floor can be claimed, once claimed, the surrounding "ground" tiles become "ground that can be claimed" tiles (simple code. just on click change tile at x,y+1 etc)

    as any pattern can be cut from the rock, making the tilemap reactive. i will never specifically know which tile where is "ground ready to be claimed". (or.. maybe i can?..there isnt an option for "for each" tile. only "for each" tilemap)

    i half thought about running a loop to check each tile. but, that wont get me the nearest.

    i suppose... the imp will always be on a certain tile... so i could reference its x,y to the tilemap... claimable tiles will always be reachable... meh, again i cant pinpoint tiles that have a certain tile.... unless... i have a second tilemap that logs imps location, and have a flood function to check area around the imp... but, i would need a tileset per imp so checks dont overlap.... i .. could maybe just set it as the imps child...but at that point i have spawned in 30 tilemaps... maybe i would be better just spawning in a sprite on "ground that can be claimed" and have the imp go to the nearest sprite

    im running with the spawn in a sprite on "claimable tile" atm. then imps go to the sprite, start work and hoping the tile at imps location changes instead of using an on click event.

    hope this elaboration helps lol.. hope you can see my train of thought on ideas, and any input or suggestions you have would be appreciated!

  • newt

    oho! this is very good info! thank you so much!

    im completely new to zelevation! never tried layer to canvas. top man

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