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  • Havent even tried, just wondering if anyone had advice on building.

    I want to build a tile but it to snap to a square.

    Basicly making dungeon keeper.

    I'm sure I can do it after 6 hours. But if someone knows an easy way I'd love it

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  • got it cheers. i swear half the time im just burnt out... and a little drunk... next morning i start and fix it.

    the whole else issue was problematic for this. i just set its layer based on the angle

  • Could you just have 3 global variables

    On pickup.

    Check slot 1.

    If global variable=0 then set global variable to uid of object picked up. Else check pickup2. Else check pickup3.

    The 3 slots will have uids set to them. And you can choose any object base on its uid

    On drop, just set the slot global variable to 0 again

  • Yes.. that's exactly what I mean, and want.. but

    I have 5 options in z order.

    Move to bottom, Move to top. Move to layer move to object. And set z elevation.

    Elevation just squews the arm. Like its attempting it on a 3d axis.

    I swear this was easy in construct 2

  • super that did it

    but... i dont think zelevation is what i thought it was... its enlarging the arm (i set zelevation to 50 to be sure) and moving it left

    i just wanted its layer to be above or below the torso

    set it down to +1z elevation. nope, just moves up by x+1 y+1

    i could have 3 layers globally, and just move it above or below.. not sure if that will effect on collision

  • I have a body and an arm. i want the right arm to be below the torso when the torso faces left. above while facing right.

    i have a test where i press a button to change its zlayer, does nothing

    on left button clicked.

    arm z elevation=0. arm z=1

    arm z =1 arm z=0

    nothing. test text says it stays at 0

    the arm is a child of the torso. if that changes anything

  • global variable check. when the ball has collision with a player, set the global variable to player.uid (unique identity)

    then have a

    player.uid =uid(global). enable 8d and scroll too.


    for each player, is uid (not equal) to global variable.

    then add disable 8d or scroll to the inactive ones

    should be a simple solution, might need an every tick in there

    hope that helps!

    its the ai thats a pain

  • Yup. You saying about checking the target was right.

    I posted my findings above. Just needed to swap who was checking for who to specify who was the subject.

    Massive help, in a round about way!

    Doing the individual battle code now. Then I've got a juicy system I can use for multiple games!

    Kenshi.. then dungeon keeper.. hype

  • A..ahhh..

    So, I was picking nearest enemy base from player base.

    I wanted to pick nearest player base from enemy base

    That way the enemy base is the one being used and set path to picks it.

    My bad. New day, fresh brain

  • For what it's worth. The always pick the lowest uid target currently

  • The distance is just a check. So, if a player and enemy meet, they engage in battle, no matter if they are pathing elsewhere.

    Sorry for the upside down photo.. slowly I'll get to grips with this forum and posting things. It's been 6 years+

    Just want to find closest enemy. Move towards them.

    In any situation any enemy and player meet (distance<= 40) stop, engage battle.

    I've got all body working indipendantly, and battle is done asides from dodging and punch turns.

    Just the pathing, and I can make a game from it

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