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  • thanks guys, by the way here's all the entries:

    pretty much what you saw in the video is what there is to play there, so there' not really a game at all, I'm placing all my hopes in the following statement made as a reply to someone's question in one of the contest threads:


    We never intended the contest to be only for games made at the contest start. We will accept games made earlier. There isn't any way for us to verify when a game was made anyways. The contest time frame was to give some time to get the word out there, and to give developers some time to finish up their games. But we'll definitely give full consideration to games made in the last 3 months, with understanding that they may be less polished or developed. For example, I made my game Storm in the last few weeks of the first competition, and that won Community Favorite.

    What we look for is potential in a game. Sure, we are interested in super polished games made by highly experienced indie developers, but we are just as interested in quick and dirty prototypes built by young, new, aspiring developers. If your game is interesting and has potential to be a great full game, we are completely interested in it.


    [quote:bz7n0sk6]We aren't only going to find one game to be published: we will try to work out publishing deals with any developer who seems to have a promising game. We are certain that we can attract all sorts of great developers; we already are doing deals from previous contestants (like me!).

    even though there's isn't much to go on in my game, I'm hoping I have a shot because of the art direction, and the idea of total control. it's a longshot though.

    I'm going to try all of them eventually, but so far the best looking one's i've seen are alpha squad, which is insanely polished, if not too original, basically a beautiful ghost shooter, and clayton something, it's a tower defense game. oh yeah and dustforce looks fun too

    if anyone sees any other really good looking one's let me know

  • hey scirra folks

    been working on a game for a month, so far, started when I heard about the indiepub competition. Unfortunately didn't even get a full level done for the contest, hopefully my sandbox will garner some fans. Now that it's uploaded an such I wanted to share what I have with my scirra friends, those who haven't already seen it in chat that is.

    the vids really are where it's at, because it's the motion that shows off anything special there is to see. The sword vid being the one that reveals the most about gameplay. All motion and controls in the game will be fully dynamic like that vid, swinging swords catapulting grenades, moving arms of vehicles, etc, will all be fully controlled by the player.

    first some screens: (right click view image if it doesn't fit)

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    the detail is going to be uncompromising, everything you see in these shots, can be zoomed in to fill up the entire screen without pixelating or blurring, the sword sprite for instance, is 1703x421. At certain times in the game it will zoom in and slow down to capture a moment, and the details will be revealed:

    here's a closeup of the in-game sprite for the one of the rat's handguns:

    <img src="">

    and here are some early vids: (they're kinda big so probably easier to rightclick download than to view in browser)

    one more vid here, not as hi res as the others, but if you're one not to wanna download stuff:

    and it's basically the sword and car vids combined with grass, but here's the hi-res version of that metacafe vid:

    in a few days the little alpha thing I uploaded to indiepubgames will be ready for download and I'll be back here begging people to go vote for me. It's insanely incomplete, hopefully someone there will see some potential though. I'll post some more info about the game in future postings as I plan to fully develop it. But for now, I'm going to go rest, I've done nothing but work my dayjob and work on this game for a month and I don't even want to think about it anymore now:)

    thanks for taking a look

  • I just hope you don't forget the memory leak in the event wizard still exists!

    yeah, I finally get what all the fuss is about

    now that I have a large cap

    I'm not exaggerating here, I save every 1 to 3 actions I add or change.

    it crashes often enough that I don't feel like I'm wasting time doing so

    someone suggested the option of disabling the icons for larger caps as a workaround if necessary for 1.0, which if that really is the source of the leak, is far better than nothing. even being able to disable graphics for the layout view would be good as well, since you have to switch to that view to change behaviors and effects, and sometimes it crashes when changing between layout and event views

  • yeah thanks minor

    if you could make a spritefont tutorial that works with layout switching

    I would appreciate it, these people keep asking me about spritefont, like I have anything to do with it. sheesh

  • help us out minor

  • if you happen to be russian:

    mary jane did pdf'ize the wiki into russian:

  • use fraps

  • thing is platform behaviour doesnt offer any direct control over up/down movement, besides jumping. so if you want to make flight with up/down movement, your going to have to make some custom stuff using events, that modify vectorY of the platform behaviour based on up/down input using mouse and keyboard.

    I've had some nice results mixing platform and custom movement

    I've found custom movement is better know...custom movement:)

    especially of the y axis variety

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  • I don't think I have the cap anymore, but it was using perlin noise to generate the landscape which was then wrapped around the circle, I was using platform behavior and physics, and it was drawn with a distort map, but to make it platformable and physicsable, instead of a canvas, I was using sprites, each sprite was just a line segment and they combined to trace the surface of the distortmap where the ground was.

  • Nowadays, what's the best way to make a nice dynamic site with slides and fades, maybe sounds and animations. I know there's a lot of new tech out there, but I haven't been paying much attention. Iim guessing its not flash.

    Also if someone knows of an awesome wysiwyg website creation tool, I'm interested. Free or not. Imll be using photoshop for site graphics, so if it has some extra support for or an adobelike layer system, that's a plus

  • Hey all

    I'm sure there are other places out there just as cheap.

    and please post them. Cheapest I found though.

    just bought a '.com' for $7.99 for one year from

    That includes the domain name and I forgot how many emails, since I setup a catch all so will go to me

    Good stuff. They offer other services like hosting but I haven't compared those prices

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