Todays challenge....

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From the Asset Store
Control your space ship in a weird space-time environment and destroy as many enemies as you can!
  • Ok I wanted to see how hard it would be to set up a different type of platform movement.

    One where the player stays at the same position, and the world literally rotates as he walks.

    The thing is my solution requires a huge rotating sprite, and its really slowing down frame rate with the rotation.

    So my question is, can anybody come up with a better solution?

    I tried rotating the layer at first, which seemed like a good idea as all objects on the layer would stay relative to the world object.

    But.. you have to have unbounded scrolling, and getting the camera to the right position is a bit tricky, especially since all layers must be the same size.

    One other thought was a canvas, and a distortmap.... but the problem with that is you cant have a canvas thats bigger than the view.

    Thoughts... suggestions?

  • Just theory crafting, but why do a huge sprite?

    Why not break up sprites to represent terrain and stop drawing them when they go off screen?

    Your map would be really long, I guess. But I can't see it being so different than moving the player sprite rather than the world, it's the same net effect.

    Are you trying to maintain the ball rotating look, or ? Even in that case, you could just be mapping smaller sprites together and dealing with them off screen... but you can not draw them once they're outside the screen rect.

  • I did a similar thing for my old test game

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    although my world was constantly rotating.

    I used normal platform movement for jumping and disabled moving left & right. And as catch22 said my world was broken up into chunks. The main green grass didn't rotate, the fences rotated, the background rotated and the clouds rotated all seperate of each other.

  • Hmmm, hadn't thought about chopping it up yet. Not a bad idea...

    Minor, you wouldn't happen to have a cap I could take a look at would you?

  • I had some success doing my own cap of this today but im not much of an artist so the graphics didnt line up very well.

    You could do it in python using py picker and some code to orbit objects around a point (in the event you wanted to maintain the running circle feel). I ran out of time at that point and didn't continue. I hope that steers you along the right path though.

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  • Yeah, I'm going for the rotating world feel, and I see what you mean on the graphics.

    Getting that perfect pie slice may be an issue.

  • If the set layer angle worked, you could do it with that and just align the player sprite(although gravity would have to be worked around)

    Unfortunately It doesn't seem to work

  • Looking back at your post newt I don't think this will improve your method or if it's exactly what you are trying to achieve but I'll post it anyway.

    Uses a 40mb of VRAM because I knew nothing about power of 2 textures when I made the original game. But the framerate doesn't seem to suffer for me and my computer is far from top of the line.

    Had to remake it as it was made in the last stable version, 0.99.62 or something like that, so it was quite broken

  • As an alternative to set layer angle(that doesn't work) we have a nice camera plugin

    Although you will have to create a custom movement for it to work,but this method you don't need large rotating sprites and can create your levels normally

  • Minor

    Thanks I'll have a look.



  • I don't think I have the cap anymore, but it was using perlin noise to generate the landscape which was then wrapped around the circle, I was using platform behavior and physics, and it was drawn with a distort map, but to make it platformable and physicsable, instead of a canvas, I was using sprites, each sprite was just a line segment and they combined to trace the surface of the distortmap where the ground was.

  • As an alternative to set layer angle(that doesn't work) we have a nice camera plugin

    Although you will have to create a custom movement for it to work,but this method you don't need large rotating sprites and can create your levels normally

    Yeah, this right here is probably the best (or at least easiest) solution. Rotate the whole world with Advanced Camera, rotate the player by an opposite amount, and switch to Custom Movement. I can't think of any reason why it shouldn't work.

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