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  • [quote:1amgepgc]hot graphics card

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    thanks again, this version autosets the window to be on screen (hopefully):

  • thanks all, especially those who tried it and reported glitches

    try this:

    it's a virus....just kidding

    it's a new version, took out a bunch of stuff like buildings, and backgrounds.

    I'll worry about adding stuff that should be added later, later

    I want to get the basic game working on peoples machines first

    this version allows you to set resolution, and should run on machines with 128 megs vram

  • [quote:36mr155b]Care to elaborate?

    After compiling, the game simply crashes. I can not even run in debug mode. And the error message is a generic Windows error message: "Temp.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. ..." With the .85 version it run perfectly, but with more recent versions it crashes.

    Actually I am using many For each loops.

    same here

  • Unless I somehow posted the wrong link its in my previous post

    The one that ends in plugins.rar

  • Rojo, could you maybe submit another bit of code that either disables that feature or automatically sets whatever if there is only one frame or for paused animations?

    I could submit a bug report or feature request but I think it would be on the backlog, whereas you may already know exactly where the issue is.

    The following isn't a rant, just making my case for you to take the time:

    Even when it doesn't affect caps to the point where people notice. Its cutting down the effeciency of almost every game since most game have single frame backgrounds, platforms, ui elements, etc.

    It was a necessary fix, but its created another problem. The little bit of maintenence it seems to require becomes a problem with older caps when people wanna upgrade, or with noobs who don't know about it, or when you're building up a cap and it suddenly manifests itself, as there is no easy way to go through a crowded layout and make sure you got every last one. The alternative to manually set 1 frame animations to 0 speed every time is inconvenient and easy to forget

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  • so file a bug report


    you'll need the s plugin to run the cap

    if you just want to test it without downloading the plugin here:

    to use double click to add an "imagepoint"

    hold right mouse button to rotate sprite

    the names of the expressions when searching for an expression are Get Rotated X from Offsets and Get Rotated Y from Offsets

    S.xoffrot(origin x, origin angle, x offset, y offset)[/code:21dx10j0]
    [code:21dx10j0]S.yoffrot(origin y, origin angle, x offset, y offset)[/code:21dx10j0]
    for example, you have a sprite called sprite, and you wanted to add an imagepoint at runtime at position  4,5
    S.xoffrot(sprite.x, sprite.angle, 4, 5)
    S.yoffrot(sprite.y, sprite.angle, 4, 5)
    other advanced features like being able to stretch the sprite and have the imagepoint stretch,
    or being able to add an imagepoint while the sprite is already rotated and get the correct offsets are both automated through expressions with 's', but not worth posting here, unless you decide you want to work with it.
    also, if you fall deeply in love with 's' and decide to dedicate yourself to learning the arcane arts of 's'ness,  there are actions that will automatically generate an array of offsets for you from a an array of sprites, and other weird craziness[/h2]
  • Haven't tested this yet, but woohoot! That's awesome.

    Thanks again devs

  • You can't change imagepoints or hotspots at runtime, however the s plugin has math expressions that are the equivalent of imagepoint rotations, called get offset something or other

    You basically put in the x and y offsets, and the original sprite coordinates and angle, and it tells you the x and y coordinate it would be at rotated at that position.

    If you're going to be resizing there is a little more math.

    Let me know and ill try to get an answer if my job ever let's me leave

  • I've never looked into it

    so i can't answer your question directly, but an alternative that will probably sound almost exactly the same:

    if you don't have so many sounds in your game this would become a major pain

    you might try having two versions of each sound the high passed, and the normal, and then cross fade them using distance as the fading parameter

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