Sound Control

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    I'd like a bit more control over sound and specifically I'd like to be able to apply filters to different sounds, that way as a sound source got further away, not only could it get gradually quieter and pan, but a high pass could be applied to remove the lower frequencies...

    I know this can't be done with Constructs sound support but what are the alternatives? Python?

  • Also it'd be great to have access to DSP effects such as reverb, as well as filters, to create some unique environmental audio effects...

    XAudio2 appears to have this functionality, can Python access it?

  • I've never looked into it

    so i can't answer your question directly, but an alternative that will probably sound almost exactly the same:

    if you don't have so many sounds in your game this would become a major pain

    you might try having two versions of each sound the high passed, and the normal, and then cross fade them using distance as the fading parameter

  • Good shout, I've considered the possibility of having two versions of every sound but the inherent problem with that is that you can't have a perfect crossover point and it'd probably have a negative effect on the overall sound quality. Plus it'd double the size of your media! I think using real time DSP is a great feature of modern games and I think sound is often overlooked...

    Even a plugin that gave you a little more control of the dynamics of sound would be a great feature, I tihnk

  • I've been looking into pySndObj, still need to do some reading on it as the closest I've come to DSP is creating a horrible distortion effect in synthedit. But I think it has the capability and theres a tutorial in the forum here about including python libraries.

    If you do anything with it, let me know? Good luck.

  • There also is pyVST, but I don't know if this can be used to any advantage for these particular problems.

  • There also is pyVST, but I don't know if this can be used to any advantage for these particular problems.

    Did you get pyvst to work?

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  • > There also is pyVST, but I don't know if this can be used to any advantage for these particular problems.


    Did you get pyvst to work?

    No, but that doesn't mean much, because I generally have problems with python + Construct (I hate the conversion part, there's always something refusing to work and I have no clue why). I was trying to get it to work for that music project, where I ran into issues, if you remember. Anyway, it is a wrapper only and needs the ctypes-package (to access the dll) - but that is all I can say, I'm afraid.

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