It's shaping very nicely lucid. I'm really impressed with the transformation to the new interface. Remeber long time ago, when i was playing with it first time, and must say that I found Spriter very hard do use that day. Didn't got much time to learn so i gave up on it.
But looking at it now I definitely want to spend more time using it.
You did amazing job! About adding new features, I would love to see one in it, something that could help both beginners and pro - procedural walk cycle animation generator, with fully customizable parameters.
Adding that will make Spriter perfect, no.. ultimate tool for sprite animators! :)
two questions:
- can you tell at this stage of development what differences will be between lite and pro versions?
- what features will be available in cooperation with C2
I'm curious cause it's going to be in a form of a plugin, right?
It's gonna be like an object on the layout with external editor? or more like option in the Image editor?