No problem, I'll find the cap once I get home from work.
Anyhoo, when you rely on animation frames for firing event, you have to be certain that none of those frames will be skipped, ever. Thus, find the minimum time between all frames and set your minimum framerate accordingly.
I think I based mine off frames which is probably a bad way to do it. If i would restart the project, I probably would use a variable with a timedelta timer that starts when you attack. If the timer is between a certain number and you hit attack again, then it goes into attack 2 and resets the timer. This way you aren't frame dependent and if you tweak animations you aren't changing design timings. I'm not sure if that would be the best method though. Looking forward to seeing if there are any other solutions.
I would really love to see you finish this project.
Thanks! I'm still working on my current game, but possibly afterwards.