Taximan's Recent Forum Activity

  • This has to be a joke, my project has hundreds of sounds organized into folders and subfolders. I don't know whose "great" and stupid idea this was, but changing a project like mine could take months of work.

  • It was hard work, but in the end I can release my game for Steam and the Deck.

    I put voices to the game in Spanish and English. It looked very cool ;D

    PD: When I have some time, I'll try to make a tutorial on the damn Steam Deck and C3.

  • I've discovered something that doesn't look good.

    Steam Deck is unable to read the C3 controller configuration. I have configured the controls to emulate a keyboard and it works fine. That is, it recognizes keyboard inputs, but not controller inputs.

  • It shouldn't be too difficult, but I can't get them to work even by changing the controller templates.

    I will continue looking for the solution, if I find something I will report xd

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  • I found that if I connect a gamepad via bluetooth, the gamepad works fine. Then you disconnect the gamepad, and the Steam Deck controls start working.

    If you exit the game. When you play again, the Deck controls no longer work. If you don't connect the gamepad. It's very strange.

  • The name of the Executable is that, with the space, I tried to change it and it still doesn't work.

  • In fact, I install the game from Steam.

    I upload the version for Linux, I indicate the executable for the Linux version (which is the name of the game without an extension), it installs, but when you press play, it asks me for the Windows path.

    The capture is in Spanish, but it is easily understood.

  • Of course. It's very strange.

    Although the Linux version does not work. It tells me that it cannot find the ".exe". When I installed the win 64 version it worked, but the controls did not work.

    Really, the C3 team should make a guide on these things.

  • I'm trying to publish my game on Steam.

    On Windows everything works perfectly, but I can't get the controls to work on Steam Deck, not even the buttons.

    Does anyone know how to configure them?


  • I think it will be impossible for you from C2. The best thing would be to move the project to C3.

  • Thank you very much for the information.

    It seems incredible to me that the C3 team has these topics so forgotten.

  • I've been trying to get Steam Cloud to work for a long time, but I can't find anything in forums or on the internet about this topic that gives an explanation of how to use it.

    I don't know if it is not possible, or if I have not known how to search for the information correctly.


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Member since 8 Feb, 2015

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