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Making a tower stacker game in only 20 events
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This tutorial shows you how to create an easy tower stacker game in Construct 3. Contact me on Fiverr if you want further assistance :

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This Construct 3 demonstration will show you how to implement an in-air jump in a platformer game. Get the template here : Contact me on Fiverr if you want furt...

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I have an issue with my platformer character. It's an issue I have with the template. When I'm accelerating, the player jumps higher than when he's jumping from...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I Preform Wall Jumps?
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I want my platformer to preform wall jumps, but he can only do it twice maximum with the double jump. I also want the player to jump away from the wall slightly...

posted 5 years ago
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Hitting a ceiling
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In Construct 3, my character with platform behaviour jumps and hits the ceiling. How do I make him lose 1 life when hitting the ceiling (modify Life variable on...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I make a fighting game like jump?
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I'm trying to use the platformer behavior for creating a 1vs traditional fighting game but the jump is an issue since the platform behavior allows you to change...

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My Y changes everytime my character lands
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I'm new to Construct and facing the following problem, everytime my character jumps the Y position of said character slightly changes this is making the enemy d...

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How do I make a "jump" with a 8 direction behaviour?
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In my game is no gravity. I want the player’s character to receive acceleration perpendicular to the solid surface he touches, and to change its direction by pr...

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how to make mirror effect in jump animation?
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I am new to construction 3, I would like to know if anyone knows how to configure the jump animation for a platform player, and how to make this animation have...

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Simple code stops Platformer from jumping sometimes
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Ok so I wanted to make a "Pre-Jump" mechanic, where if you press jump slightly before you hit the ground, you will jump as soon as you land. Code is very simple...

posted 5 years ago