Somes sounds are not played anymore (update r407)

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From the Asset Store
Fantasy Game includes more than 600 sound effects inspired by hit computer games like World of Warcraft and Diablo.
  • Hello,

    I changed the Export file structure property to Folders as said in the last Construct update page. Then, it says "Update the project to fix any changed file references, as described above." but I think that I don't understand what it means.

    In fact, my game is still working (apparently) but some sounds are not played anymore when they are supposed to be. When I try to plauy them from the project files, they work but not in game.

    Can someone explain me what I have to do please ?


  • If the folder type isn't flat and you are using sub-folders to organize your audio you have to use the path including the sub-folder when playing by name. For example "subFolderName/audioName"

  • I suppose that I am doing something wrong because it still does not work.

  • it would be "SFX/GooGun_shot_1"

  • I already tried but no, it does not work. It works only if I play the sound without using "by name".

  • This has to be a joke, my project has hundreds of sounds organized into folders and subfolders. I don't know whose "great" and stupid idea this was, but changing a project like mine could take months of work.

  • “SFX/GooGun_shot_1” right

    “SFX\GooGun_shot_1” wrong

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  • “SFX/GooGun_shot_1” right

    “SFX\GooGun_shot_1” wrong

    Thank you, this is the solution !

    So do not use "\" but "/" and it works.

    I wrote this for my 3 sounds and it works perfectly : "SFX/GoGun_shot_"&choose("1", "2", "3")

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