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  • Its your platform speed =0 that overriding the animation. Can you redo it like this keyboard is pressed then move animation rather then platform speed. I have no idea why would anyone use the platform speed = 0 trick that would hinder your ability to expand animation and fluid-like games. ... ies/page-3

    Check his code out that what im talking about.

  • Ok new update I took a look at it and i change a few things to get it to work you can re edit it around it Ive even provide comment in the project and if you have any future question you can ask me or the community.

    here the link ... .capx?dl=1

  • Ok uhhh i downloaded it. Why are you using UID ? That shit never worked and you should be using function call back with variable and secondly why isnt there any form of number or anything to refer to what the level select does all i see is pad lock and pad unlock that doesnt say much

  • I find it much easier to keep track of stuff when you do paper n pen sort like a notebook back up where you can see what you did and you can draw a line in it to remember to delete it.

  • ok i cant get the files to debug but a couple of question do you have event sheet attached to the layout two. A lot of times i forget to do this.

    Did you linked to which layout its suppose to go ? and if you are using a lock level progression such as you cant do level 3 until level 2 is done.

    Do you have any missing variable located in the wrong spot of the project such as local variable when it should be global variable ?

    I think you linked the files wrong it shouldnt be linking to a home page but rather a download option cant really see what the freak it is and it keep redirecting me to my dropbox account ?

  • try wait for signal/signal action that could be the key for dialogue and cutscene. What neat about it is that It act as signal for when to fire that action. Could be what you are looking for and you can add timer as well to make it more slow pace such as when the dialogue part has been finish typing start timer of liek 2 sec and then when timer end Signal the next action.

    I use it alot just for shit like these.

  • most likely you do not have a speed set for the animation to use off of. Its like asking to run at 0 mph to the nearest walmart...its not going to move. But if you set the speed to 5 and then play the animation it should work but cannot DL the project to see if there an event blocking your attack animation.

  • yeah but using every tick is gonna take a hit on the performance. I know one trick i did was on start set position to the object and then pin it. Also help to keep your sprite origin in check as well since that where the pin is using it.

  • Um i dont think its possible to have construct to count the animation within a sprite. But the question I have for you is what effect are you hoping to achieve and do you have any example you wish to clone ?

  • It might just be your own browser doing that. do you have a buddy computer to test the theory out try to get him to play test the game to see if it saved on his?

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  • My best guess is to go to a sprite animation editor and create an animation that make the character to feel like knock back and then do your variable and speed and placement.

    Best guess here is to use spriter pro there a free mode and you can basically just animate him going back and then once you are done.

    In the contruct there a great powerful tool call the slider. Now make two value 0-999 Next reference the pixel action that you wish to do and then create a textbox. Now I want you to do something like reference the pixel knock back variable to the value of the slider value so that you can dynamically change it in game without changing it in the event every 2 sec. and to make it visually easier to see the number is to set the text box to every tick - set text to the slider value.

    And this should give you a sort of a turning knob to see what pixel speed and animation would this look good but does well visually. I use this technique when i have a problem with speed and animation. dunno why there isnt a tutorial on this hint. but basically what you want depend on your eyes. but this is just my idea on how to help you out. i dunno what else i can think of

  • First I would make sure that the pressure plate have this animation pressed and not pressed

    Next if it have a sprite overlapping then go to animation pressed.

    If animation pressed is finished open door.

    This is a way to make it more fluid and you would have control over the graphic part as well.

    although it would be nice if there was a pressure plate behavior that would have a limit on the weight so that you could add in weight of object for it to easily check. That would be a cool game to have since we would know that if a small box open a weak pressure plate and a giant steel box would be needed to open a stronger pressure plate

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