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  • Oh boy you got a giant bug in your saving I do not know what to do like you said the saving is seriously freezing everything. I even did a test on the debugger save/load system man It froze that too.

    I wonder if it a node webkit bug. Ill let you know when i switch browers.

    Holy fuck it was the canvas I just delete it and the save/load works perfect Btw what was you using the canvas for anyway ? are you able to not use it ?

  • Question one have you tried the above example in a empty template to see if your code is working and do it piece by piece.

    Question two. If you are using a debugger did you pull the debug menu away from the game screen. This has known to be double the resource drawn on one cpu core and not allowing multiple core to work.

    Question three. Have you look at tutorial on saving and loading and recreating them step by step on a blank template.

    If you said yes to all then You must have something going on in your other event that are pre firing infinitely because of some previous condition wasnt exactly ready but at the same time where your progress is at it maybe refiring them all at the same time.

    this is all i can do to help you without us taking a look at your project events. its like trying to fix a car through a phone. do you know how hard that is ?

  • I know in my experience I've use a variable and a global variable and use invisible sprite to place the where about of places.

    I put a instance variable on the invisible sprite and name it location: and the variable as a text such as Route one and put in a function that every time you would overlap the the sprite make the global variable to that invisible sprite location and then on the next layout you would just use the same sprite with the same name.

    And pick the object that has that variable name and then move the character to that spot.

    Id would use this on start or a once trigger style so that it doesn't lock down on your move to object could result in infinite moving and you cant move the character. this might seem strange but there's a youtube video on this exact method.

    Cant remember who did it i think some apple guy that does beginner on layouts.

  • why not do every 3 sec Choose a number on a variable and then what ever number assign the art asset to it

  • try this add in a variable to the sprite and have it set up where once you type something in change that variable to the text and then add in every tick change text to that variable.

    ? does that help.

  • Btw im finding large item that range from 5k in size in X and Y size.

    Dude go do tutorials first start small n simple and learn about sprite size. I am unable to fix your problem because of the insane resource load. If anything you need rebuild your game from a smaller sample.

    another pro tip is that Dont do resizing on the layout if you need to resize it try to do it on a image editor first because its takes triple the load to just math out the correct sprite size from something that big to small.

    oh and btw i have 16 gb with a 2gb of video ram and shit spiked it to no ends.

  • holy fuck this is insane are you trying to kill people computers. why do you need a layout of 100,000 X and Y size You do realized that layout size is the same as saying i got one gaint godzilla on my backyard.

    And why that many levels. Jeezus Most people computers cannot even handle this degree of a game. I do not know what computer build but think of people computer that has only 2gb of ram not 1 petabyte.

    Can someone else explain to him why not to do this project.

  • Original game and then just put a 2nd game up there that would be like Original game +holiday Theme and then once the holiday is over then take it down. Sort of like a impulse buy because it going to be up for a certain amount of time.

  • well the buy system is simply -variable and increase live variable now the hours thingy are we talking about ingame hours or real time . Cause I know you could tech do a countdown variable so that if the x hours reach 0 you add one to lives and then reset that hour back to where it is.

    Such as this put the timer variable at say for 5 hours you would do 18000 number and then every tick -1 once that number goes to 0 add life and then reset to 18000. That just one way of doing it.

    I have no clue how to do something like every 5 o clock pm at est add one life or something crazy like that

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  • I hate to say this we cant read performance issue without a capx. Go through your event and try to find every one that has every tick or a infinite check and also for the sprite itself try to see if you can min the ammount of different sprite and put them into a sprite with frames.

    the every tick event usually run 60 times a check so it can add up. also if you can try to use the behavior destroy the sprite outside of the layout and have it create when you need it.

    because the more sprite you have the lagger it get and also try to not use super huge sprite size. and again we cant really tell about performance issue unless if you provide capx.

  • I wouldnt use UID but rather pick the mortar based on a variable check such as this Mortar with a variable one.

    and then do compare variable mortar with variable = 1 ? would that do you better cause every time you add n delete object i was noticing that the uid order got changed around.

  • no no no im talking about a brand new one with the holiday theme one rather then an update.

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