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  • why do you nee opacity 50% and know this on default contruct two treat all sprite and stuff at 100% opacity otherwise stated.

    you can't you just erase the white outlind and just import it at 100% and then change it to 50% contruct two is just an engine not a brain it doesnt know what you want until it receive logic orders.

  • this is pretty simple and i can see why you didn't find you have on start of layout to set the coin for start and you have when bought restart the layout will actively re-trigger the on start of layout to set the coin back to ten. So in other word the Event that is causing the problem is the restart layout.

    And you are telling construct two to buy an item reduce total money coin and then restart on layout and then on the beginning of loading the layout (on start of layout) to set coin to ten and then the text back to the ten. If you disable the on-start it will function correctly.

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  • what i mean to make sure that the event will only run once while true so that you dont get weird ass glitches.

  • Well im working on a pokemon clone template which is a bit different but they all function about the same way just no character movement and income is based on timers and generally is usually isometric map but other then that yes,

  • Is this Skill like class point to invest into passive and active skill/spells.

    Your example one is really rather confusing. Can you re-write it a little better. I know us game developer have poor ability in grammar and such. But its important to do spell check and stuff so that we can communicate a little better. I mean I am native in the English language and i still struggle but just try to re check your wording so that we are both on the same page.

    and about the shop thingy its pretty simple you could make out another array and define it as such and use it to populate the shop based on levels of your class so that it doesnt spoil the end game spells but rather make us wonder what is the next level of spell to choose from.

    But im not there yet im still working on the function so far I can load the array into another array using param and value. im still learning as much as you are just give me a heads up if you get stuck somewhere and I can try to think up a logic and code.

  • Layers ?

    such as put the map on the lowest layer and then put game on the layer above?

  • Send them an email ? or comment on their work or you know they are people so do what you need to get in contact with them.

    Go to their profile and there should be a clickable about see if they have placed their email in their and send them a friendly greeting and ask them if they like to play your game and provide them a free key or copy of that game.

  • Well without a capx its hard to see what the hell going on behind the scene btw Ive notice a couple of bugs such as the right outer wall the same object that let you go outside to the right its disappearing on load. most likely a z order bug.

    This is my theory on your bug it might be that Even if you time scale the events to be 0 any event condition that is true during the pausing will pass on through such as movement of character bullet flying on the resume of the pause.

    Oh another thing to be on aware is that all game redraw character at a pixel by pixel so it quite possible that you have a round object for your player that would corner clip things and get stuck Ive had that issue and what i did is that i made sure that everything was square off completely and no event of any strange angle.

    Only thing i can think of to fix this id would make the save on the bed such as instead of dynamically make time go faster while in bed make it so it can fast forward time based on your choice such as do you want to sleep for 1 hr 3 hr 5 hr 10 hrs or save the game. Thus you can avoid this bug. and there is no movement after effect for your character that just my idea.

    Another thing is that I can talk a merchant and then leave without closing the shop window but problem is when i leave the merchant i cannot close the menu unless if i talk to the merchant again.

    Also the Left doorway does not open unless if that mean I need a key for it ?

  • Well I haven't done anything like that but I would imagine that you would have to have alot of random Variables and Formula for each thing and for positional because the typically estate game is usually just sprite on a tile map.

    Id would look into isometric style tilemap and array and see if you can use them such as this Teh X,Y grid of array can use for storing and placing various estate. and you would have to have each property have their own timer to fire off the money pay-in.

    Im thinking you could really benefit from learning [Isometric RPG] because its basically the same thing as what you are making its just instead of exploring and kill things to loot you are using timer and random variable to dynamically engage the player in a living virtual world.

    Ok first off forget the art. The Art should be the last thing you should worry about. Start EXTREMELY small im talking about a 2x2 grid map. And experiment the different effect you want to add and write down what worked and what didnt.

    Like all RPG its alway up to the developer to design their own variable an effect. Do one thing at a time ask us for a particular effect. Or least Build a list of what you want and how do you envision the game to turn out because there is never one book for everything.

    Im willing to help but only on specific part not the whole game since im doing my own as well that isnt an estate lol.

  • why not do Group block and put in the event that you want disable and then make the group inactive ?

  • I didnt see your post but um read the manual on array it explain alot about how to get data from the array oh and did you get my capx ?

  • Solved thx you guys the and Array.index was it. Oh and I used variable to find the other Y number and I just had it repeat based on the array Height and then added one to the variable so that It would continue down the line.

    In other word what would have to be originally 32 something event/action is now just one line and a function

    But yes I was asking for the impossible when I realized something I could have extracted the Value of X for from a variable that i was already using.

    Im just wondering how come there isnt more of this type of tutorial rather then having to trail n error defferent effect to achieve min effort for a grand effect. I mean for all the RPG developer should really adopt the CSV to array and then function in If not already explain else where.

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