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  • hmmm you can use spriter pro they got a free thingy you can use and its really good cause they allow to add in bone where you need to. Its really handy. And just with any art you cant learn it as fast as code. You need to start with basic shape first and then revise from there so that you can slowly adapt to an art style that makes you happy. Id suggest start with MS paint at least the newer version or if you want you can try to use gimp but i cannot for the love figure that out.

    Id also turn to you tube for it there is alot of animator and artist who are willing to teach the ways.

    Only you can define what is good Art.

  • Ive always use another invisible sprite and just made what ever size so that I could do something like If overlapping this sprite start diagloque and usually i had it set up where it would use instance variable to activate the require dialogue.

    but that just the quick n dirty not really a good way to do it.

  • This is gonna get clustered if you use too many same button press for two or three different same spot why not do something like use two different button or is this going to be mobile ?

  • I know this might sound silly but why not do a video of the scene rather then to mess with all of that as in make out the dialogue in the game and record your gameplay of "as in direct your own movie" and then save the video and have it load for when you need that scene to play so that it reduce the amount of code of moving every thing by thousands of code. and while the "movie is playing " you can do background moving to where when the movie ends you are at the spot when the movie ends.

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  • you have two on start on layout might be paralleling the action Try to take out the 2nd on start and use a timer delay of say 2 sec and then create the map. You might need to let the system process the data for the array before letting it populate i had the same problem well not in array but Ive had one instance where the dictionary for various things would not all load so it ended up glitching my learning of zelda tutorial.

    Try that see if you come up with a different result?

  • Hmmm 99Instances2Go

    ....I was thinking. Since i am using Ajax and CSV Is it quite possible to return a Whole single column index on the X axis on an array into a CSV stand alone and then Have AJAX pull it out from CSV and then insert into the desired new array X index ?

    Cause that would be a nice work around or is that not possible due to how data Is done

    Is it possible and if it is how would one do it ?

  • I did take a look at your example problem is that your example only shows one array while im trying to use two different array One for party and one for game data stats. I have no problem using a call back for one array and then using a variable that the easy part. but im trying to retrieve value from an array into another array that part i cannot figure out or least knowing what code to use

    another explantion i can give is that let say i have an array like this



    As you can see bob has 100 hp but the value of bob Y is at (1) and the hp is X (1)

    So in other word i want to use a function callback that if when bob is in the party then I want to load his stats from a call back such as this instead of saying retrieve value of 1,1 which is bob's health. I want the function callback to find it for me just by using ("Name") and then ("Hp") Most likely in a for each loop so that if when I add more data for new member to use it can still use the callback without needing to add in each single value as a event/action You can imagine how large of an event sheet that would be.

    And the above array is just purely stats that will be the same but will only change on the party array.

    I know this is semi possible because I have done it in the past of using instance variable with the reference value but id like not to do that because I know when i go to re order the value the variable might be off. And two this would save me on a-lot of recoding which is why I turned to cvs to array just to lessen the burden of seeing a very hard to visualize the making array in the program can get.

    If there a way I think your "Index of" might be it but I want to be sure without pulling hairs lol

    Because I think or least so far I think the code would have to be something like [insert value in party member 1,2 (which is bob hp slot)to retrieve" is bob),"hp" (which is hp in the stat) So that it should read it as (1,1) but as call back using name as the primary finder I am fine having to recreate this only a couple of time for health,power,speed. That is still a four hundred less to code. And if the name isnt bob but rather Kitten then the call back should reroute the new array positional to a new Y number without me having to make a whole new event one. Again if i confuse you please let me know this is best way to explain it. And thank you for your help. This is the last piece of my puzzle of making an rpg.

  • can you create an object to be the ground and pin it to be at the "top" of those and have it if player hit the object underneath then stop game.

  • Try doing if weapon collide sub event everything you want it should only apply to the one that got hit not all.

  • Ok just like with variable I do know how to do callback with those.

    But currently i am using CVS to array and I have three different array being created the same way and yes i do have ajax on the start to load them all up using rex plugin.

    Here the question. Let say two of the array are just stats providing the bare bone of the base number for each character.

    and the last array is for your own party.

    How do i call back in specific areas of that array without having to use number value such as this in the party array I have it set up to where in slot X=2 is health column and Y= 1 row is the party member order #1. And let say that you r person is name bob which is located in Party array 1,1 slot.

    And in my other array I want to retrieve the data for Bob which is a Row name and Id like to call back the column as well.

    so in other word if array containing Bob is on Row 1 id like to add that in to the function of in the event of adding from one data of array to another without having to load value number of the row n column to shorten event load time. as in i do not want to do 500 stupid event just for input values in every slot of the party member spot. But rather a callback function that would know where to plug in data from one array to another using Names of the column and rows. Cause i doubt creator of rpgs dont have like thousand of event for array alone.

    If this is confusing i am sorry this was the best i could explain it.

  • I am in the process of doing this find a free excel program to use and start making your list of stuff

    And download rex csv to array plug-in and then add the cvs program in the file folder of the project. then reference the cvs to array to your cvs file.

    Trust me when i say this has made it possible to build large complex stat based games so much easier and you can directly edit the cvs file when needed so you dont have to rebuild or add in any new lines of code. just need to simply reference to what X and Y of the array.

    If you are curious im in the process of making a simple pokemon clone. And right now im almost finish I just need to figure out how to reference the data in the array by name.

  • hmm sound like you have the object near each other where when you click its just balling the conditional event. I remember that if you place the order of event to be back ward it should delay it conditional check for when you mouse click but that worked in some cases.

    Can you make some layer visible and invisible and add in a condition if layer is visible ?

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