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  • your event on player Y > layout is causing the infinity so basically what you put down is that if player is at 1 greater then the layout then create the object but that hold true for each falling variable so it went into infinite because you have infinite possibility of Y greater then the layout. Which trigget the event multiple times.

    I changed it simply to destroy on outside of layout and when player is destroyed run that event. oh and you forgot to include event 2 sheet in event 1.

    Next time read outloud the IF condition and write down how many tick will this condition run under current IF to the action.

  • wouldnt it be far more easier to just send a new one in the store with a holiday theme and then take it down once the holiday is over ? And perhap a one time free token for such holiday for those that purchase the original one ? Wouldn't that generate more money for you ?

    Might be mean but its their choice ?

  • Ok so I was dead wondering how in the hell was FFX ATB being done so fast compare to mine attempt

    And also I manage to create a working ATB example trying to copy-cat FFX

    I am wondering Is there a much easier and more math formula i can use such as this you see 12 bar and out of those twelve bar you can see when a character turn comes up based on current character turn. Id like to have something like If say you increase a character active time speed up "haste" Id like to have that 12 bar to reflect that vs everyone else.

    Cause under my current method its a one way to hell no collect 200 lol.

    Heres my attempt quite frankly I was shocked that i could do it under 13 event and with far less sprite clutter

    I was wondering if FFX system was using something like total game speed - and or divided by character speed time ? I couldnt quite fine any math or example of this. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing"> ... .capx?dl=0

  • why not do something like this have an invisible sprite in place of where the movement and such should be at. note this invisible sprite would just be always following the player ready to pull in the new companion in the correct spot. Just have the old companion to pin to it and once it destroyed then when you get a new one create the sprite and move it to the invisible sprite and re-pin it.

    Thus you don't have to waste coding time trying to find the sweet spot again for the new companion.

    also you didn't tell us what style of companion you are doing that might help or even better an image.

  • First id would break down each sprite and ask yourself what will this sprite represent.

    Its most likely a side bar using global layer using a Based sprite which is the ones without the little army icon and then have something like image point to each square. And the sidebar itself must be using variable for each image point to use custom icon movable and you can use drag n drop behavior. Also i see that each of the army icon have this weird math formula for the blue sprite on-top to ,I'm guessing alpha blue at 200 is the color, where the dial is in coordinated with the cool-down effect to visualized if it ready or not.

    And the army icon look like it has a click to action. That all i can see and if you want to make a side bar to pop out when you need it to. its really dead simple you might be suprise. That sidebar exist outside of the layout as a whole but isnt in the window screen and when you do need it to appear it just move in like you could do something like if tab is click move sidebar to the right at certain pixel and when you click x move it left.

    That as far as i can see. Now for building it that one tricky never did anything like that yet. So in other word you want help building an RTS style.

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  • dude manukeo the day ashley makes construct to have round collosion is the day earth explode. you see computers were built to read things in a square shape pattern every circle that you see or "curve" is really just tiny tiny tiny angles of lines.

    As far as i know no one been able to make round without adding in so many point but if it is possible i want in lol

  • what about doing it backward such as create a variable call it max creation and you could do something if max creation is not zero then every 5 sec spawn this and then -1 to the max creation.

    so that you could effectively loop it without looping and it gives you the room to adjust how fast and how slow it can create something and you can do the same for destroy as well. You can also do something like when player trigger something add 10 to max creation and then that code will keep going until it hit 0 which is ten sprite.

    And this can just be a control group. I hate using loops it tend to mess with me. so which is why i do that trick

    Is that what you want ?

  • you are quite right all you need is the engine to draw it once and it is stored in a memory for the sprite and yes on the layout. I would place all the object you need outside of the game and add behavior destroy if outside of layout. Thus reduce the need to create the event for getting rid of useless sprite hitting performance.

    Another trick you could do is that let say that you have a spot where it could be a table or a lamp or a box. Instead of trying to get contruct two to place one of three sprite there. you could have three frame in a single sprite each frame has their origin point and collision point and animation.

    Thus reduce the need to "pick n draw" to draw and use that chosen frame. and you could do something like if sprite is destroyed and is on frame 2 then do animation for destroyed sprite frame 2. or something like that.

  • Hey I am interested in this combat system i have several project that is put on hold because i couldn't do the turn based with multiple player. Id like to know if you are done with the combat scene that Id want to see a tutorial on this and plus multiple enemy targeting. currently there isnt any thing but just single targeting and that just plain easy n dumb.

    Would be nice if you could also add in explanation on how to do Single, multiple targeting spells for both enemy and player effect.

  • there is a tutorial that has what you are trying. Keep in mine it isnt stacking but a random Generator for dungeon crawling but i think it can serve as an idea you can go from there. ... elike-game ... node-based

    Here are two example. What i would do is create multiple tile for the generator to use and then do another generator for the inside thingy such as table n such create a flow such as a limiter for object for each such as if room one can only have three object then for each object placement randomly choose one and then lock it in place and add one. or something like that. Just an idea to start. make sure that when you are doing it document every thing in a notepad and record the result you got. This will help to save you time to see what did work and what effect you like and what effect you achieve but didnt work for you. This will stop you from doing the same shit you just did and wasted stress and time.

    I havent done any thing yet but id would like to in the future. but again this is just to get you an idea and where to start.

  • Isn't construct two debug performance check is due to single core and not multi-thread or layering or multi-core processors ? Have you tried to export it as a stand alone exe program and see if your own computer could handle it without the limitation of debug ?

  • I would just do sprite animated and go what ever you like now id like to ask why do you need such ? and you could just make one Lazer sprite animated it and then copy n paste three more and have it on the border. It shouldnt eat up that much memory and please don't do Large sprite with the border just do the size you need for one .

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