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  • so if i am understanding right you want an effect like a RTS so you could move the camera really fast across the map.

    Now lets talk about camera there a cool plugin call scroll to.

    Best way to do this. Use an invisible sprite put the scroll to on it. next part is tricky because this require Math from hell Like i do not even know where to begin because it depend on how you have your mini-map setup. I suppose you could do something like during scrolling behavor just see where and if there a math relation between minimap and real game.

    One idea you could do is called reverse engineering set up a text box with a every tick condition and now I want you to make two sprite oneis for ingame camera and other is the ingame minimap camera. Next add this in as an action Set text to (Ingamecamera.x &","& ingamecamera.y&"|"& Minimapcamera.x &"," &Minimapcamera.Y)

    This would tell you the exact X ,Y of your camera in game sprite and the minimap sprite. Now when you run it write it down and make at least three set of number for each position. From there try to work out a math function that would give you the result you want on paper.

    For example If i had the number 100 ,100 for ingame and then mini map ingame only gave me say 200,200 we would know that the relation between the two number is divide by 2. So it would be like when mouse overlap mini map and then when the mouse touch a spot in the mini map we would know minimap sprite is at somewhere mulply of 2 so then we move the camera sprite at position x,y for both it would be like minimap.X/2 for the camera position

    But like i said every game is different in their minimap relation to ingame so you are going to have to do reverse engineering. And if you need help then try to give us the numbers to see if we can work out a math function for you.

  • I did some testing with you example and ive found something to help you get started

    If you set in the condition for the text-box to a text for the word ("fly") set a event under it as in sub event sprite with the parameter fly and another flies and now make that subevent block an ("or") block so that if one or the other is one there then it will pick both based on the text-box text for fly . Now add in an action sprite to visible

    Next add in for else for that event block to sprite invisible

    next you need to make sure that your sprite animation speed is set at 0 so that it doesn't all go to the last frame

    Another tip i want to ask you to do is when ever you want a specific effect to be done. Write down the condition you want and then tell yourself what is the action. and act it out yourself before going all haywire on us. If found that if you were to experiment with such you might come across pretty cool result.

    Someone once told me for every thousand experiment failed there is alway going to be that one success. You cannot have success without failure. so play with it for a bit.

  • That isnt possible so basically you want to break our realm by having one sprite with different parameter and condition as a well as positional based. That Is not really suitable.

    The only time you should be using sprite with different frame is say. Let use RPG clothing for example.

    most rpg sprites have one sprite for each piece of clothing and using different frame for different looks so that it cuts down time for spawn action and pinning and scoring it x,y this is fine to use it in this way.

    but when you use sprite for different behavior say a gun verse a sword. You cant tell the construct to keep the sprite pin to the character and expect the gun/sword sprite to be perfectly align or function right. you are better off just making gun its own sprite and the sword its own sprite. Its just easier management.

    If you are using a sprite in a manner like inventory where it isnt a graphic using issue just a viewing and overlapping you can do if overlapping , add a condition Sprite frame = number then you can run the event that way

    or if you want to you can also do pick up such as if overlapping item and add condition if item variable= name then change the sprite to what ever frame you need it to be set on.

    But again try to think can you use the same sprite for similar condition and action if not then try to use different sprite. Organization is key with sprite, don't make a thousand frame for one sprite just because you rather use frame number because you will get lost to what sprite you want and its a pain in the ass to figure out what didnt do right with debugging and the horror for ever reason you accidentally delete that one sprite that held 90% of your game.

  • I ran into the problem before. I still cant get it to function right. basically what he want is the game to make only one sprite when overlapping another sprite. And if im right he want to despawn the sprite when hes not overlapping it in theory it should work but contruct two engine just repeat it because of the condition it doesnt know it need to spawn one.

    Id suggest that you do something like if overlapping spawn the sprite then change the condition in the action such as a variable to something else and when not overlapping change the variable back to the original variable

    This way you can pretty much can control a overlapping condition and to prevent it from firing more then once. and once you step off you are just changing the variable so that when you overlap again all condition are met again.

    Id done this so many time just for this effect. Id really wish there was a way to mark an event block to run once never again even if the condition was met again. (trigger once while true does not alway work) Cause id hate to use group just for a single event every time just for those event

  • if i may add in a question here as well I know that many gimp and other art/animation program have the ability to combine layer and was wondering if construct two have any add-on for this ability. Cause often times i use like ten layers to create a Hud or background art and need other art pieces to stay put and not move....It would come in handy if that is possible with out copy pasting delete layers.

  • well if you think about it countdown is like a reverse way to go forward in time so how about for every 1 sec minus one from a variable and then make a condition when it hit 0 to do an action.

    You do something like If variable isnt 0 then for every 1 sec minus 1 from the variable. I discover it when i was making a spawn minion system

  • basically your event is remembering the old press down what i did was instead of press down i use press released that usually solve it.

  • I was wonder so im making a bullet hell type shooter. And I was wondering how can i bound the ship to an area where my UI is and not have the player to go off the game.

    I know what bound to layout but this is within the given area. Is there some fancy footwork i can do this easily or do i have to create invisible solid sprite ?

    Just a quick edit here I am using movement of mouse using everytick to mouse position is there something similar i can use so that the UI can be solids to do this with ?

  • what about two condition If D is down and let put in every one sec add one to a variable

    If variable is greater then 5 with the condition of D is down stop dash ?

    If D is release reset variable to 0 ?

    You can change the variable number but this is just another idea you can try or build into.

    and the variable can only be change when D is down. Does this work ?

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  • Also try to check how many every tick you are trying to use. And avoid it at all cost if you can. Try to come up with a different solution for every tick.

  • I remember encountering a similar problem but wouldn't it be best to use variable for one sprite that can be change for each new of the same sprite created. I found that using one sprite and use a variable layout name for each place that would change layout so that i could find the right spot without guessing frame number.

    But to each one insanity i suppose.

  • keep in mind that when you are doing story mode or making a game type with this is that any variable that you have preivously saved for a layer will be there and it doesnt delete it self when switching layers. You might want to do layout instead if you choose to do so.

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