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  • maybe if you access the cookie list it should be listed like something like Localhost:5000 ? Like as in the same name as the game in the browser? Im curious about this as well.

    I mean if anti-virus scan can find those cookies then we should be able to manually find it as well ?

  • What about using timer to call when it ends.

    Let say you press the button have it start the timer and the dash. when timer ends stop the dash.

    and if button is release stop timer and dash. ?

    I havent tested this yet on cause i do not currently have any project that call for dash yet.

  • In the property side menu of when you select the sprite at the bottom of it there should be something call in. frame and it should be default at 0 just change it to 1 or where ever the frame you are using. and make sure that your sprite animation speed is at 0 otherwise it will want to play the animation as if it a movie.

  • you cant do "not colliding with" because that is what that trigger is for. Kinda silly at that point.

    But have you tried timer do when colliding start timer of 1 sec

    when timer ends -1 hp. I fear that the problem is that when you collide that its repeating the event so it reset the action infinite at the beginning.

    But id like to know about this i currently have the same problem. Timer did work for me somewhat lol

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  • do something like set text to variable &" Million "

    What this is that the variable is the number of that million and the "&" is just a placement to tell the code to add something the (" Million ") is telling what non variable text to put here.

    So it should turn out like 1 Million on your textbox.

    If i am guessing right you are making something like a farming type game or idle so add this condition if Million is not equal to zero set text to variable&" Million " So in other word If million is at zero it will not run but if it more then zero then it will set the text. This is the easy version There are other more complex version.

    But id suggest to try to label each text box according to the value it represent. so one for million , hundred thousand, ten thousand and so on. This would make it really easy to keep track of where you are with the currency. rather then having a total number divided by the next current number.

  • That cant be cause i created all the body part and armor pieces using piskel and realigned them on the editor layout before the pin...another thing is that I can swing the arm all day long and no drag effect.

    Another note is that all the sprite are roughly the same size so placement shouldnt be the issue.

  • ok so in this game i have this neat little idea concept of armor that would get damage and change animation until it disappear. After reviewing and splicing other Swf files and studying the effect various of people. I saw that they were using multiple layer of sprite and pin to the body part. So i have my main body which has one arm pinned and then a shoulder pad pin to the arm.

    Problem is every other armor pieces work just fine except for the shoulder pad....It just lagg behind like a rope effect and then drag back to the pinned spot...and this only occur during movement of the platformer behavior

    And I am dead curious if it the limit of pin as in the pin of a pin cannot work properly ? or is it some weird bug with pin behavior because it is the only one that is giving me this problem.

  • Have you tried using timer ? such as this is idle animation playing start timer....then when timer ends do the freak out animation. Or you could extend the idle animation to match the 30 second and then do on animation end do freak out animation.

    That should be what you need.

  • Um this doesn't make any sense, are you asking about variable or animation? ......a sprite cannot do any action until an event is ran. So could you explain your question or rather express it better ?

  • Dont forget to add in trigger once when using choose or random....Ive experience melt down of contruct two when i forgot that and cause liek 20 event plus the random number to try to run at the same time lol

  • have you tried using a boolean variable true/false

    If picked up gun - boolean set to true

    If dropped gun - boolean false

    If pressed fire

    Boolean =true -fire

    This should do it beacuse if it false it wont do anything

  • You know ive wonder how come there isnt something like a drop down style in the event or an add to list of reset global variable similar to the Family creation. That would help a bunch in controlling the game if it depend on certain variable to turn on events that is repeatable n such. And like he said to keep achievement and to reset main game global.

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