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  • Oh cool is it similar to the effect in the medic of Team fortress 2 ?

  • ? im a bit confuse you didnt explain what is the condition for the toggle to happen. Is it per tick ? is it on location based ? or is it variable check or an Npc Ai that need a toggle or is it the same as above.

    The per 5 sec tick didnt let you have a toggle ?

  • did you ever fix this issue ? im kinda in the same boat

  • something id like to add here you might want to change the hp to also have a current hp and a max hp if you plan on adding in healing. to least cap the health pool

  • if you want to you can do something like create a variable boolean call it visible

    And every 5 sec toggle boolean (visible)

    and then set if boolean visible is true then enable solid

    make object visible

    Else then disable solid.

    make invisible

    Thus does the blinking you want but you have more control over whats whats you want to occur.

  • well i dont take credit for it I merely tweaked the tutorial that was already up and used a bit more to it.

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  • you know its a bit weird that we can append text but cant go reverse I've alway wonder why. I guess its based on Time always moves forward.

  • Here a good article on it ... m-numbers/

    it isnt a C2 issue its a all and every electronic computer module uses it.

    But yes it is confusing just dont ask how it does it. just be glad that you can use the function. And as far as random coor its usually determine by your layout size such as this the min coor are 0,0 and the max coor is what ever your layout size and know this if you dont put a clamp on the number like int or floor or round it just gonna do 1.8888888888888888888888888888888 in a number so in other word in coor you will never get a negative number. its alway postive.

    but as far as how does a computer get random result...just call it magic lol

  • you can try setting up a textbox object and then do every tick - set textbox to sprite.X & "," & sprite.Y

    That would make your texbox to look like 46,46 on the screen if the sprite x position is at 46 and the y position is at 46

    Although you could just as easily go into debugger menu and pause and then click on the object in the left and there is a property you can look at its X,Y.

    Why would you need to know how to find out a newly created object's X/Y position ?

  • I was battling the same problem with certain layout that didn't need things on layout so I had to dump all my Ui icon ish on a family and just made them invisble not destroyed just not seen and made sure that the event sheet for the UI was never used. And I even had to disable the movement control on player.

    It does work just that its very annoying wished that there as an ability to choose which layout to be persist for and which layout to never appear.

  • I also encounter that If you have a large event sheet for one of everything and you try to do function at way the hell at the bottom let say event line 1 is calling for a function for a event line of 200. Then it just takes a tick or two more to find it while everything else is going on. So id suggest just to create an event sheet for the function at that point never had a problem after that.

  • Well it worked in chrome so idk about the other browser

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