Let me know when you have something public I can look at :D
I haven't implemented a text plugin for this, but, for now, you can do the following:
1. Create a Layer for your HUD and place your UI there using regular Construct2 objects.
2. Go the "Layer properties" and set the 'Transparent' value to 'Yes' for ALL layers.
3. Go to the SimpleThree object and set the "Canvas Order" property to "3D Behind".
Simple three uses two canvases, the 2D one, which is actually the regular one (as if you didn't use SimpleThree). And the 3D one, which has your fancy 3D objects.
You can decide which one goes on top of the other. By setting "3D Behind" you say SimpleThree to render 2D on top of the 3D.
Any object which doesn't have a SimpleThree behavior, will be rendered as usual, the ones with the behavior, will be modified so the 2D renderer ignores them completely.
Remember to set all layers as transparent to avoid the risk of your 2D canvas hiding the 3D one.
Interesting issue, I should give it a look to see how to make the behavior stop doing all its calculations every tick or something.
Hi, I'd like to suggest a new feature, where can I do that? I remember there were a website for that, but can't remember where it is.
The feature I'd like to see is for construct 3 to provide a CLI or API, specifically to export projects.
This addon has no Construct 3 version. For now it seems not necessary to do such port since C3 already has 3D capabilities (at least in its beta releases).
Hi, along with it, you can add regular sprite objects with this behavior:
They will act as your usual Construct 2 sprites, but in a 3D space! You can even lock them to constantly look at the camera.
Hi, please, check if the newest version fixes the issue. In theory, it does, but I'd thank you if you can check and let me know.
Thanks for the steps! Will try to reproduce and fix the issue :D
Can you elaborate?
Added support for boolean instance variables.
Added advanced settings:
Hi people, sorry being inactive these months, it has been a busy season. Here's a new version of the simple_three sprite behavior which fixes a bug that was driving me crazy and also adds a few advanced features.
Ok, thanks to the clues provided by ibiz, I managed to fix the advanced minification issue.
Hi, here's another small update, it just changes the addon format to the latest version (as stated in this post: construct.net/en/forum/construct-3/plugin-sdk-10/third-party-addon-changes-156802).
Sadly I was unable to add GetDebuggerProperties implementation since, for some F**ing reason it creates a new table in the debugger EVERY FRAME instead of updating the existing one, no idea why. So, for now, no debugger support :(
Can you give me some steps to reproduce the issue? Seriously, I don't know what you mean by "advanced minification" there are plenty of minifying solutions out there and I really don't know what you mean in this case.
If you gave me a few steps to reproduce the problem, I could track it down and fix it.
Member since 17 Oct, 2014