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Creates a secondary canvas to render Three JS objects

Example Files

Before trying this sample capX, please, make sure to download and install the other SimpleThree addons: SimpleThree_Camera and SimpleThree_Wall

This is the CapX that resulted from this tutorial:



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  • Bom dia.

    Gostei muito deste plugin, para C2, porém fiquei triste por dois motivos, não tem como modelar objetos, mesmo que modelagem simles, e não consegui compliar o projeto nem para [HTML5] e nem para rodar no Windows. Mas o cenário 3D fica incrível e a iluminação muito boa.

    Se der para inserir personagens mesmo que em 2D eu gostaria de saber pois não consegui.

    Obrigado por este projeto maravilhoso.

  • I have problem with this plugin: i cant export project to html 5. When i compile my game (or example files) and start it, i have black screen only :(


    Compiled example project:

  • pls update the plugin im making a 3d game with it with procedural terrain generation pls update the plugin i love it so much

  • Addon only works when previewing. When exported to HTML5 or NW.js, it crashes the project upon trying to load, resulting on either a black screen if it's a first layout, or freezing on the previous screen. Had the misfortune of realizing this too late...

  • Please help me...

    Your plugin don't work with a TEXT?

    How to create a Hud or interface trully for this plugin??

    • I haven't implemented a text plugin for this, but, for now, you can do the following:

      1. Create a Layer for your HUD and place your UI there using regular Construct2 objects.

      2. Go the "Layer properties" and set the 'Transparent' value to 'Yes' for ALL layers.

      3. Go to the SimpleThree object and set the "Canvas Order" property to "3D Behind".


      Simple three uses two canvases, the 2D one, which is actually the regular one (as if you didn't use SimpleThree). And the 3D one, which has your fancy 3D objects.

      You can decide which one goes on top of the other. By setting "3D Behind" you say SimpleThree to render 2D on top of the 3D.

      Any object which doesn't have a SimpleThree behavior, will be rendered as usual, the ones with the behavior, will be modified so the 2D renderer ignores them completely.

      Remember to set all layers as transparent to avoid the risk of your 2D canvas hiding the 3D one.

  • i know it's old, but how do i make a slope with it?

  • when using this plugin it keeps throwing errors every tick when the game is exported:

    Uncaught TypeError: this.updateCameraAngle is not a function

    can you please fix this?

  • Good job!

  • im havin trouble to install

    saying document empty

    how i fix?

  • In 3D view, the ground ahead is blurry (unfocused). How can I fix it?

    • I need to add options for texturing, antialiasing and all that. I'll start with it once I finish the current goals.

      For now I'm working on writing a tutorial and a few other behaviors needed to create a more or less complete game.

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