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Skew/bend image (vertically) by given pixels with variable exponential along vertical. Great new angle capabilities and fixes added by skymen.
(Webgl2 / WebGPU support) A better outline shader than the one that already exists on the C3 addon stack exchange
Expose more Greenworks Steam cloud APIs to nw.js and Electron (1.14.0: supports Greenworks v0.19.0 for NW.js v0.94.0, Steamworks SDK 1.60)
Access additional Steam features in the Windows WebView2 and Linux CEF exporter. Requires official Steamworks addon also to be added.
Normal Map to make 2D sprite combined with its Normal Map to appear 3D lit, 3 colored light sources, includes hard spotlight parameters.
Offsets color and alpha channels for chromatic aberration effects.
Extends the built-in Touch plugin's behavior with additional settings: ignore invisible objects, don't click/touch through objects and others
Tween an object's position, size, angle or other properties using an easing function. I'm not the author of this addon, I just ported it.
Adds a simple outline, with color (ported r0j0hounds c2 original)
[Features] (Start camera) Action = x, y, width, height. (TAP properties) to Back, tap Photo, tap Focus, preview Drag, store To File, disable Exif Header Stripping.
NormalMap32 allows you to create and control up to 32 colored point lights that interact with a 2D normal map texture. The result is a simulated 3D lighting effect.
This is a ported cs2 behaviour from rex to cs3 runtime. (Spline-Path-Movement)
Animated wiggly doodle effect. This effect imitates an wiggly line animation style by warping the sprite in intervals.
Allows you to Generate and Scan QR Codes.
Overlay RGB colors on top of the image.