Hi. I tried to publish my Android mobile game using with CocoonIO Canvas+ in 2 days. These my opinions about Cocoonio, I never build successfully a Cocoon game in the past, now I gave it a try and very suprised about it. Please forgive me if I'm wrong because I'm very new with Cocoon features.
*** First I give my good review about CocoonIO helped my games:
- The Canvas+ runs very fast and no crash in my games which can't run on low devices if I builded them with Intel XDK.
- There are a lot of interesting multiplayer Plugins as Googlplay Multiplayer and GameCenter Multiplayer ...
- Easy to use in website Cocoon.io
*** Then I have some suggest, please fix it :
- Splash screen and the price are too high and unreasonable
. The price to remove Cocoon splash screen is too too high, my game is published over 2 years but it can't earn $500 until now.
. I'm very happy to keep the Cocoon splash screen, but there are too many bugs and black screen after plash screen (6-7 seconds in my game) becuase of this splash screen, and too many works to fix it run well on games. Too many people have this problem.
=> Please give us the very low one time charge for the subscription of Cocoon (about $100 / year and they have to one-time-pay more money if a project earned more than $5000 as C2 license ) to use full features of splash screen and there are no more bugs of Cocoon Splash screen or Splash screen.
- Problems Compatible plugins of C2 and CocoonIO :
. There are plugins made the published Cocoon game crashed (somtimes Facebook Connect in my game ) and Black screen (Cocoon plugins in C2 as Cocoon ads , Cocoon Canvas plus in my game. Always Blackscreen If I added these plugins in my game)
. It's very difficult to find working plugins as Admob, IAP, Facebook Connect. In the future they need Multiplayers WebRTC as well (This feature has been voted on the top in the survey poll )
=> Please fix these popular plugins . I love using Cranberry plugins , because they are easy to use and popular. Or some sites guide us to use all these popular working stable plugins (Admob, IAP, Facebook Connect).
- Uploading and publishing on Cocoon.io :
. It's take too long for queuing and building
. Everytime I update sources code, I have to set up everythings again (name of the game, versions, plugins ....)
=> Please fix it if people pay the subscription with a reasonable price I mentioned above.
Thank you for reading and understanding. I would like to use Cocoonio to replace all my games if they can fix or improve these problems. ^ ^