qngnht's Recent Forum Activity

  • My game is posted to Appstore with Intel XDK build Crosswalk. Search for "Ty Phu Chess" on Appstore. It runs very well now. Recommend to use Intel XDK to build iOS. Any troubles or want a troubleshoot about it, you can mail me at qngnht@ gmail.com

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  • search " Intel XDK Orientation Sample" for the link to resolve Orientation

  • 1.check your App ID

    2.Ad hoc provision file

    3. Make sure checked the Ad hoc option which is very small text

    Exporting iOS on intelXDK needs only 3 of these. Im using HTML5 export for my iOS on Intel XDK, I tried Android exporting files but it was not good as HTML5. Some problems may encounter such as no audio and orientation, Alert at beginning, the game is not resume and suspend when minimize.

    Resolving:Delete the alert command in index.html .Check Audio and Device plugin on the right side, and check out this link to fix Orientation . Put the resume and suspend commands in exported Android index.html to your index.html.

    Thats all of my problems with iOS exporting. Hope this can help you.

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Member since 28 Aug, 2014

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