qngnht's Recent Forum Activity

  • I can't install the package with c2.addon file, I create a folder named "Sprite Sheet" in plugins folder and put the downloaded file into, but C2 threw error can not install that plugin .Sorry, im totally newbie. Can you send me the plugin with a zip pakage please. Thank you very much.

    My email:

  • Can somebody share experience please ?

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  • If a device runs my game, it might load all 100mb of unique images in my game. That will cause a mobile device crash. But in fact, It only uses 12 mb / 100mb of unique images run at a time. I wonder when it load all 100mb of images , does it make game slower or crash ??? Thanks.

  • Hi. I tried to manage memory of my game. I have a layout with 8.8 mb images usage which is showed in Debug board , and a button to destroy a few of objects ( cost 2 mb images ) .

    After clicking the destroy button, those objects are destroyed, Debug board counted "Zero" of them . But the images usage still showed 8.8mb . I wonder if those images are destroyed or not ? Any suggests please ?

    If the objects cant destroy completely, my game will use ton of memory usage from Creating objects which will make the game crash on mobile devices. Thanks.

  • In Manual, it said that Google play services doesnt support on mobile ? is it true ? how about Game center on iOS mobile ?

  • I'm waiting for next updates to resolve this delay issue.

  • you sent me a message, but I couldn't send a private message, sorry because i'm new in Scirra forum. Can we discuss on gmail ? My mail : qngnht@ gmail . com

    First of all: You need create a Adhoc provision ( require Apple account - $99 / year and a Mac - can use VMware Workstation )

    Second : Export your project to Html5 in C2.

    Third: Import to XDK project and choose iOS and fill information on project tab.

    Next: publish using Cordova iOS ( not legacy ).

    Final: upload to Appstore via Application Loader and fill information for your app on Itunes Connect => Done

    A lot of problems you will encounter, I will tell you through gmail. I'm limited to write message here.

  • I contacted to Paul of Intel, he told that this issue was fixed. One more thing, When I adjusted animations on layout , this problem didnt occur again. I guessed the game ran out of memory because too many running animations on a layout. Set the speed of animations to 0 while they are not in screen. This is my idea to fix this. Any other ideas ?

  • I thought so, I tried to use my very old build and It still crashed.

  • I have a same issue with my new build of the game. The old build works well while the new one keeps crashing at the middle of the game.

  • I tried to show "Loading..." text while waiting for Ashley to help us ...

  • When I pressed button "Start the game" in my game ,it takes about 2 seconds to load the next layout. In that 2 seconds, the screen is frozen. While another layout is loading, all animations are stopped.

    How can I create a loading sprite running while another layout is loading ?

    Please help...

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Member since 28 Aug, 2014

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