How do I publish to IOS using Intel XDX Crosswalk?

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  • I have successfully publish my app to Playstore using Crosswalk. Now I'm want to publish the same game to IOS App Store. I need to use Crosswalk because some plugin can only work using Phonegap and Crosswalk.

    Anyone have any step to proceed on this. I totally new in IOS publishing. I have mac with xcode installed and Apple Developer Acc.


  • I have export using PhoneGap in C2, what next? Import to IntelXDX?

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  • you sent me a message, but I couldn't send a private message, sorry because i'm new in Scirra forum. Can we discuss on gmail ? My mail : qngnht@ gmail . com

    First of all: You need create a Adhoc provision ( require Apple account - $99 / year and a Mac - can use VMware Workstation )

    Second : Export your project to Html5 in C2.

    Third: Import to XDK project and choose iOS and fill information on project tab.

    Next: publish using Cordova iOS ( not legacy ).

    Final: upload to Appstore via Application Loader and fill information for your app on Itunes Connect => Done

    A lot of problems you will encounter, I will tell you through gmail. I'm limited to write message here.

  • Email send. Thanks for the feedback.

    Welcome other to give suggestion or any tutorials available in order to publish IOS.

  • Alternatively:

    Export project from C2 as 'Ejecta' to 'www' folder of a blank XDK project.

    Export same project from C2 as 'Android' to same 'www' folder.

    Build as iOS app.

    This creates a valid iOS 'ipa' file that you can publish to the Apple store. I've successfully listed 5 apps on the Apple app store using this process.

    Good luck.

  • JLH1964 So we don't need to use xCode at all?

  • Nope

  • HI.... JLH1964

    Could you PLEASE give a litte more info about your proces


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