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  • I limited the scale rate in some ways. But I meet another problem about aligning the layout( or layer ) of zooming in the center of the screen. Hope someone can help me ! I uploaded the capx as well.

    Here my capx : https://www.dropbox.com/s/x7yab7btwa5j3y2/zooming.capx?dl=0

    And the new post of this issue:https://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=147&t=150872

    Thank for helps.

  • I want to make zooming as game "Clash of Clan" or "Hay Day", I'm following the example "Touch - Zooming". If I set Unbound Scrolling - Yes as the that example, the layout will be zoomed in the center of the screen ( that I need in zooming ) but It can be panned away from edges. If I set Unbound Scrolling - No, I can't pan away from edges ( that I need in panning ) , but It can't zoom the layout in the center of the screen. Can someone help me with this please ? I'm so new with this feature. Thank for helps .

    Here my capx : https://www.dropbox.com/s/x7yab7btwa5j3y2/zooming.capx?dl=0

    P/S : I'm using Scale Outer ( no black bars ) , Letterbox Scale can't set fullscreen at all devices ( there will be black bars ).

  • My first game named "Ty Phu Chess" on Android and iOS. I put everything learned from C2 in that project.

  • Players from my game requested me to make it >.< I can't refuse it. People can do it, so we are.

  • Thank Yapi. I want to make zoom the game as the "Clash of Clan", but it will limit the minimum of scale if all the background was in the screen.

  • Hi. I have a layout size is 896x896 px and window size ( camera size ) is 568x320 px. I want to find a scale rate of layer to set all the background to fit in my window size ( camera size ) 568x320px. I'm following the example "Touch - Zoom " in C2. Normal scale is 1, and scale rate to set all the background to fit in window size around ~0.4, this scale rate is different among devices. I'm using "Scale Outer". Hope someone can help me ? I'm still very new in C2. Thank you

  • I checked all tips at https://www.scirra.com/manual/134/performance-tips .But the game still has crashes sometimes, when some sprites is moving or changing angle every tick or the game is saving, but I limited only one sprite can move or change angle value at a time. I'm using "Bullet" behavior to move, and "Sine" behavior to trigger and make a sprite move ping-pong. Can anyone help me please ? My game is using no physics and no collisions, I disabled all of them and no text objects or no textbox objects. After using an object, I destroyed it, every frames there are under 25 sprites on the screen with limitation of animation object is one at a time.

    • Can 9-patch object make any issues of performance ? I'm using it.
    • I have a 900x900 px background, I cut it to 4 sprites, 900x900 px each and scale it to 450x450 px to make the graphic sharp and clearer. Does it affect to performance ? Should I cut it to smaller pieces ?

    Thank for any helps !

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I have a big question about Construct 2. Please confirm to me if Construct 2 can make a farming game as "Hay Day" or a building game as "Clash of clan" with full of animation like those games without crashes or good performance ? . These game run very well on my low phones, but my game in Construct 2 is not running well, even though It has very little animation and sprites memory - I wrote details on the top of the thread. I followed performance guides on this forum and fixed so many stuff to keep it run on my low phone devices, but sometimes It still has crashes, or I missed somethings. Please point me all the guide to help me fix my game performance. Thank you so much.

  • I think textbox object is as heavy as text object. Try to use Sprite fonts https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/684/ho ... rite-fonts

  • I fixed my delay issue in Android devices by javascript :

    I added following code in index.html

         function playAudio(){     
                var myAudio = new Audio("click.m4a"); 
    Then Call : Browers-> Execute Javascript("playAudio();");  in C2 everytime user click
    P/S: Can't use .ogg , I'm using .m4a instead.
    Hopefully someone can make it become a plugin in C2. It worked very great, even on slow Android devices.
  • I found the main reason which caused my game crashed. It's text object. I replaced all the text objects with sprite fonts , my game run with better fps and no more lags, crashes. I wonder how heavy a text object is ?

  • Today, i found some ways to fix my issue. The amount of images is not the main reasons, if I reduced the memory use of my game to 35 mb, it is still crashed, if in playing layout, ImageMemoryUsage is always under 21 mb, it still crashed. But if i didn't reduce memory use of images of the layout or the game, I limited the objects in playing layout always under 40 objects, no more crashes.

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