Select the Background layer and drag the following objects onto the Game layout.
-obj_Background, set at position 0,0
-3 obj_Clouds, set 1 at position 216, 308, the second at 216, -75 and the third at 216, -457
If you are using the free version, then also add obj_Pipes and set at position 0, 768. Otherwise, select the Midground layer, drag and drop obj_Pipes, and set at position 0,768
Select the Enemies layer and drag and drop following objects:
-obj_Girder, set at position -303, 70
-obj_Hamer, set at position -125, 78
Select the Player layer and add a new Sprite object. Name the sprite obj_Player. In the Image Editor right click in the Animation frames window and select Import frames: From files...
From the Player folder select both player images. In the Animation frame window delete the empty frame and mirror the image while holding down the Shift-key. Mirroring will occur for all frames.