Group: Game Over
Create an event which checks if obj_Pipes' Y position is less than 768. We only want this to be checked once so, add a Trigger once.
The actions for this event:
-destroy obj_LeftPropeller and obj_RightPropeller (see On function "PlayerHit")
-obj_Player rotate speed set at 0 degrees
-Bullet behavior disabled for obj_Pipes, obj_Ground, obj_Clouds, obj_Girder, and obj_Hammer
-obj_Pipes Y position set at 768 (original Y position)
-obj_Ground Y position set at 768 (original Y position)
-obj_Player Y position set at 510
-obj_Player angle set at 188 degrees
-play the crash sound
-spf_Score visibility set to invisible
-Bullet behavior enabled for obj_GameOver
Create an event which checks if obj_GameOver is greater than 135. Check once.
The actions for this event:
-Bullet behavior disabled for obj_GameOver
-obj_GameOver Bullet speed set to 0
-obj_GameOver Y position set at 135
-Set sine active for obj_GameOver
-wait 0.55 seconds
-Set sine inactive for obj_GameOver
-Bullet behavior enabled for obj_ScoreBoard
Create an event which checks if obj_ScoreBoard's Y position is less than 355. Check once.
The actions for this event:
-Bullet behavior disabled for obj_ScoreBoard
-obj_ScoreBoard Bullet speed set to 0
-obj_ScoreBoard's Y position set at 365
-obj_Leader's position set at 316, 576
-obj_PlayButton position set at 114, 576
-obj_BackButton position set at 35, 215
-spf_BoardScore position set at 355, 342
-spf_BoardHigh position set at 355, 404
-spf_BoardHigh text set at local variable Hiscore
-obj_New position set at 260, 370