Add the second sub-event to the Instructions group. This event also relies on 2 conditions. The user's input and if obj_Instructions is not moving (speed was set to 0 and bullet behavior disabled).
-Touch: On any touch start
-obj_Instructions (Bullet): Compare speed, comparison equal to and speed at 0
When the conditions are true, we want sounds to be played, obj_Instructions exiting, obj_GetReady exiting, score fading in, starting the obj_Propeller animation, and moving obj_Clouds, obj_Girder, obj_Hammer, obj_Pipes and obj_Ground downwards.
Add the following actions:
-Audio: Play, Audio file coin, Loop not looping, Volume 0 and Tag "Coin"
-obj_Instructions (Bullet): Set speed, set it to 800
-obj_Instructions (Bullet): Set enabled, set the state to Enabled
-obj_GetReady (Bullet): Set angle of motion, set angle to 270 degrees
-obj_GetReady (Bullet): Set enabled, set the state to Enabled
-spf_Score: Set visible, set Visibility to visible
-spf_Score: Start fade
-System: Wait, set to 1.0 seconds
-Audio: Play, Audio file fan, Loop looping, Volume 0 and Tag "Fan"
-obj_Propeller: Start, set From to beginning
-obj_Propeller (Bullet): Set enabled, set the state to Enabled
-obj_Propeller: Set speed, set to 30
-obj_Clouds (Bullet): Set enabled, set the state to Enabled
-obj_Pipes (Bullet): Set enabled, set the state to Enabled
-obj_Ground (Bullet): Set enabled, set the state to Enabled
-obj_Girder (Bullet): Set enabled, set the state to Enabled
-obj_Hammer (Bullet): Set enabled, set the state to Enabled
Add the third and final sub-event. If obj_Instructions x-position is greater than 500, then we will destroy it. The condition and action are:
-obj_Instructions: Compare X, comparison greater than or equal to X-coordinate 500, and the action is obj_Instructions Destroy.
Save the project.