Group: High Score
Create a new group and name it High Score. Leave Active on start checked.
On start of layout we checked if the key "Hiscore" existed. Now we want to get this key and when got it, we want to set the Global variable Hisore to whatever is the key "HiScore".
Select the group High Score and add the following 2 sub-events.
-LocalStorage: On item exists, key is "HiScore", then the action LocalStorage: Get item, key is "HiScore".
-LocalStorage: On item get, key is "HiScore, then the action System: Set value, the variable is our Global variable Hiscore, and the value is LocalStorage.ItemValue.
Create the remaining groups below.
Group: Instructions
Before the game actually starts, we want obj_Instructions to enter the screen from the left, have it stop half way, wait for the user's input, and then we want it to exit on the right side of the screen.
Select the Instructions group and create the first sub-event. This event will check if the obj_Instructions has reached a certain x-position, and we only want this to happen once. So, in 1 event block, we need 2 conditions.
-obj_Instructions: Compare X, comparison greater than or equal to X-coordinate 206
-System: Trigger once
Add the following actions:
-obj_Instructions (Bullet): Set speed, set it to 0
-obj_Instructions (Bullet): Set enabled, set it to disabled
-obj_Instructions: Set X, set this to 206