View a comprehensive history of all the new Javascript scripting feature updates and changes Construct 3 since the first release.

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Script blocks in event sheets can now be disabled
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Fix custom instance classes not always being immediately instantiated (regression since r154)
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Fix runtime mouse events not firing (regression since r155)
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Disabled language specific identation in text editors - prevents unneeded indentation in JS when following the style of having the opening brace on a new line
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Referencing an undefined variable in a script is now assumed to be an external variable, and is considered to be defined in the global scope by the autocomplete system
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New script interfaces for Array, Button, Dictionary, Sprite, SpriteFont, Text, Text Input, Tiled Background and Tilemap
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Added "deviceorientation" and "devicemotion" events, and Touch script interface for requesting orientation/motion permission
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Add runtime.invokeDownload() method
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Fix incorrect error using 'await' in event sheet script blocks
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Both 'runtime' and 'localVars' are now recognised by the script analyser in event sheet script blocks
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Autocomplete could be triggered by the up and down arrow keys, interrupting document navigation
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New scripting examples 'Simple alert', 'Simple keyboard movement', 'Local storage' and 'Integrating events with script'
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Autocomplete of variables and properties
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Added runtime.assets.loadStyleSheet() method
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Add option to create new JavaScript file in 'Files' folder (useful with loadScripts)
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Added option to the Settings dialog to allow the font size to be changed for all text editor and inline script blocks
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Runtime now fires pointer events for both mouse and touch input
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Script interface for Binary Data plugin
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Code editor now focused after adding a script
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Possible crash calling event functions from script
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Importing scripts could cause preview to fail
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Added APIs (accesses same storage as Local Storage plugin)
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Possible incorrect "never modified" warning when the only modifications were unary increment/decrement operators
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Possible incorrect "cannot access before initialization" warning when accessing variables of a higher scope from a function
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Incorrect scoping of "var" declarations in warning analysis
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Warnings that highlight class or function declarations will now highlight the identifier instead of the whole declaration
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New warning if declaring a "function" or "var" with the same name as another in the current scope
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Asset APIs to load external scripts & WebAssembly modules
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New 'Loading external script & WebAssembly' example
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Access global variables in event sheets via runtime.globalVars
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Access local variables in event sheets via localVars in script actions/blocks
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runtime.setReturnValue() function to make it easier to return script values from event functions
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Script interfaces for layouts and layers
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Editor now validates JavaScript code in your project before preview or export, prompting you to fix syntax errors
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Debugger CPU profiler now separately measures time spent in scripts
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Added warnings for unused variables, use-before-initalise and assigning to constants
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Lots of new APIs to use in scripts
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New example category 'Scripting' on Start Page, with 'Ghost shooter code' and 'Audio scripting' examples (more to come)
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Full code editor now used for editing code in event sheets
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Syntax highlighting for code in event sheets
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Error highlighting when editing code in event sheets or files
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Updated default script file template, and is now only used for first script
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Script files now run after the engine instead of before
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Exporting projects using script files now works