View a comprehensive history of all the new Javascript scripting feature updates and changes Construct 3 since the first release.
Update editor JavaScript parser with partial ES2020 support (including nullish coalescing operator)
Add instance "destroy" event
Add object class and runtime "instancecreate" and "instancedestroy" events
Added ILayout and ILayer 'effects' array (for controlling effects similar to instances)
Allow autocomplete after 'this' and 'super' keywords
Sprite: getPolyPointCount(), getPolyPointX(), getPolyPointY(), getPolyPoint() methods
Sprite: getImagePointCount() and getImagePoint() methods
Physics: getContactCount(), getContactX(), getContactY(), getContact() methods
Fix crash autocompleting localVars inside a function block
New 'Fetching project files' scripting example
New 'Web Workers' scripting example
Events "save", "load", "beforeprojectstart", "afterprojectstart", "beforelayoutstart" and "afterlayoutstart" can now use async handler functions
runtime.isInWorker property to indicate 'Use worker' mode (in Web Worker)
runtime.alert() method, which forwards call in worker mode
Global alert() method added in worker mode to help beginners, which forwards call
Add runtime 'getInstanceByUid' method
Autocomplete now lists items after typing 'runtime.objects', 'runtime.globalVars' and 'localVars'
Update autocomplete list to include latest APIs
Added effects APIs to control instance effects from script
Added physics APIs to control Physics behavior from script
Added IBehavior interface
Added mouse APIs getMousePosition and isMouseButtonDown
Added 'Physics: scripting' example project
Fix incorrect parsing of dynamic imports
No longer marks 'return' statements in script blocks/actions as invalid
Fix incorrect validation of destructuring declarations
Did not remove limits if purchased and working offline
New option in settings to enable automatic indentation
Jump to declaration for identifiers using ctrl/cmd + left click
Validate JSON files in the text editor
Additional linting checks to scripts
Fix Platform behavior vectorY setter not working
Error and warning tags were not being cleared from editor after the issue was resolved
Fix advanced minification changing the enumerability of some properties
When a piece of text is selected other instances of that phrase will be highlighted in the document
Drawing Canvas: methods to load a custom ImageData (see example project)
Add APIs to access the AudioContext and destination node from Construct's Audio object
Fix crash stepping Construct debugger to script action
Ignore unmodified "let" variable warnings when using multiple declarations in a "for" loop
Using the return value of increment/decrement operator didn't count as a read, and could incorrectly mark as "never read"
Added runtime "save" and "load" events so scripts can add own data to savegames
Inline script blocks in event sheets had a couple of style issues in the light and dark theme