View a comprehensive history of all the new additions in Construct 3 since the first release.

17 favourites
New examples 'Ice beam', 'Lava fall', 'Wall creatures'
13 favourites
New examples 'Dash Slash', 'Languages from JSON', 'Surface jump'
6 favourites
Platform Info: 'Is Windows wrapper export' condition
12 favourites
New examples 'Floating orb', 'Guided platforms', 'Physics soccer'
11 favourites
Mesh editor: hold shift to move mesh point without distorting image
16 favourites
New examples 'Golf', 'Top-down hook', 'Wall jump'
12 favourites
Start page: highlighted 'new' tag for new examples
7 favourites
Deprecation prompt when opening project using classic scripts
8 favourites
Data editor: scroll while making a selection and moving the pointer to the edges
7 favourites
Data editor: scroll using a two finger gesture in touch devices
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Ease editor: scroll using one finger when pointing on empty space in touch devices
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Google Drive outage notification prompt
12 favourites
New examples 'Jetpack', 'Orbiting platforms', 'Raycast teleport'
16 favourites
New examples 'Ceiling trap', 'Shy ghosts', 'Switch blocks'
17 favourites
New examples 'Mesh platforms', 'Fire bars', 'Follow path' and 'World to HUD position'
6 favourites
Cordova export: add Android 11 and iOS 14 to minimum supported version lists
20 favourites
New examples '4-direction bomber', 'Invert gravity platformer', 'Ladder climbing', 'Level selection'
11 favourites
Animations editor: support pen pointing devices
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Animations editor: shortcut to zoom in and out using a pen device (press Z + drag)
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Tilemap bar: allow for single finger scrolling when the scroll tool is explicitly selected
29 favourites
New examples 'Dynamic camera system', 'Mask effect puzzle' and 'Level editor template'
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Text: support for mesh distortion
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Drawing Canvas: support for mesh distortion
16 favourites
New example projects 'Card memory match', 'On-rails shooter', 'Tilemap switching'
7 favourites
Keyboard shortcut F9 to reload all scripts from project folder
13 favourites
Scene graph: add a 'Select mode' property to root instances
15 favourites
Scene graph: 'Create hierarchy' option for actions that create objects
10 favourites
Network requests in local & remote preview now can serve project files
8 favourites
iframe: displaying local project file HTML now previews correctly
15 favourites
Animations editor: support mathematical expressions in image point and collision polygon inputs
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Audio: 'Add remote URL' action, allowing playing audio from a URL
13 favourites
Voice recorder example: add button to play recording
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Game Recorder: use MPEG-4 H.264 / AAC recording formats if supported (for an upcoming version of Safari)
15 favourites
Include project name for folder projects in recent projects list
11 favourites
Timeline bar: allow for timeline scale less that 1x using Ctrl/Cmd + Mouse wheel
11 favourites
Timeline bar: add more feedback when dragging keyframes
21 favourites
Loading message in preview in case it takes a long time to start up