View a comprehensive history of all the bug fixes in Construct 3 since the first release.

5 favourites
Toolbars: spinners changing value when only hovering over arrow controls (regression in r183)
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Timeline Bar: crash when making changes to multiple keyframes at the same time
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Animations Editor: toolbar elements not losing focus after clicking elsewhere in the editor (regression in r179)
12 favourites
NW.js plugin: several features not working in web worker mode
8 favourites
In some circumstances mouse click events could incorrectly fire twice in worker mode
3 favourites
Possible crash building iOS export from Export Manager
2 favourites
Selected item not always fully visible when scrolling lists by keyboard
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Timeline Bar: crash changing property keyframes referring to the text property of SpriteFont instances
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Tilemap Bar: toolbar buttons showing wrong behaviour after using keyboard shortcuts
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Custom Eases: missing balloon tip messages
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Work around more bugs in the Facebook Playable Ad tester tool
9 favourites
Possible crash if NW.js download failed in NW.js version manager
6 favourites
Timeline Bar: did not exit timeline editing mode when deleting the last timeline in project
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Crash docking/undocking editor bars in Chrome 80+
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Possible crash involving balloon tips
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Work around more bugs in the Facebook Playable Ad tester tool
6 favourites
Move To behavior: 'Set angle of motion' with 'Set angle' enabled did not change object angle when stopped
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Tilemap Bar: crash loading invalid image files
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Animations Editor: mirror/flip tooltips were switched
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Animations Editor: crash dropping non-image files in the main pane
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Timeline Bar: absolute result mode not applied properly in the editor
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In some cases built-in functions could run with the wrong instances picked
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iOS apps: work around iOS bug that prevents physical keyboard input working
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Browser: navigating to URLs could be blocked by some browser's popup blockers
6 favourites
Browser: could not open mailto: URLs in mobile apps
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Bluetooth plugin: incorrectly indicated not supported in worker mode
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Mouse scrolling not working properly in RTS template
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Error opening projects using bundled addons in NW.js desktop app (regression in r184)
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Local folder saves: possible project corruption saving folder projects using bundled addons
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Work around bug in the Facebook Playable Ad tester that Facebook do not appear to be fixing
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Event sheet include dialog didn't have OK button on mobile
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Sprite Plugin: incorrect sizing of instances when changing the "initial frame" and "initial animation" properties (regression in r182)
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Animations Editor: Resizing of SVG images ignored input width and height
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Fix tilemap collisions not working in C2 runtime
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Fix WebM Opus audio playback not working in Safari/iOS with C2 runtime
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iOS Export: Android version code option shown in build settings
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Platform Info dialog not working (regresion in r183)
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Android export: signed builds failing (regression in r183)
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Keyboard navigation in icon lists did not always work correctly in dark theme
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Event sheet view: line breaks did not display in event group descriptions
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Tween Behavior: "On Finished" event triggered before the last "Is Playing"
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Tween Behavior: Loading the saved state of a playing tween at runtime could produce incorrect results if done in quick succession
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Animations Editor: possible crash while clicking on the editor as it closes
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Animations Editor: ensure all context menues are closed when a valid keyboard shortcut is pressed
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Animations Editor: toolbar scrolling not working on mobile (regression r182.2)
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Tilemap Plugin: auto tiling brush placing tiles incorrectly when the transform tools are active
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Tilemap Bar: disable bar if the currently selected instance is deleted as a result of undoing a previous change
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Tilemap Brush Editor: possible crash renaming a brushes
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Possible crash involving balloon tips
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Possible crash on startup with low storage quota
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Crash docking/undocking editor bars in Chrome 80+
3 favourites
Tilemap Brush Editor: the assigned tiles pane did not update properly for "Auto 47" brushes
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Possible crash using Animation Editor in certain circumstances
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Possible crash using touch input in Tilemap Bar
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Cloud save: possible crash closing file list dialog
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Crash importing multiple audio files (regression since r171.3)
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Possible crash opening dialogs for Timeline Bar or Tilemap Bar
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NW.js plugin: update 'Set window width/height' actions to set inner size in latest NW.js versions
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Event Sheet: Crash moving tween events referencing a custom ease
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Timeline Bar: Crash clicking keyframes while holding ctrl/cmd
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Timeline Bar: updating a master keyframe was not updating all related property keyframes
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Timeline Bar: create undo point when updating a master keyframe
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Tilemap Brush Editor: unable to select tiles (regression r179)
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Sprite Plugin: did not always preserve scale when changing initial frame or animation frame size
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SVG Picture: failed to render in mobile (Cordova) apps
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Work around a crash in Chrome using WebGL 1 with worker mode enabled
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Desktop build: work around NW.js bug causing window to not remember maximized state
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Project bar: keyboard focus was lost after renaming item
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Event sheet view: did not always unselect when clicking in space
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SVG Picture: did not immediately update after editing SVG XML
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SVG Picture: Z elevation was not taken in to account for rasterization quality
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Firefox: SVG Picture could not display SVGs using percentage width and height attributes
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Possible crashes using cut/copy/paste in popup windows
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ShadowLight: could incorrectly allow using both a light height and radius
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Dialog for renaming a row in the array editor incorrectly referred to "columns"
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Animations Editor: crash when opening the editor on mobile (regression r179)
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Crash opening C2 projects using tilemaps (regression r179)
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Crash previewing a sound in an audio action (regression in r179)
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Event sheet view: drag-and-drop marker could get stuck on-screen (regression in r173)
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SVG Picture: did not apply blend mode in editor
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SVG Picture: did not display correctly when mirrored/flipped with non-centered origin
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Project Bar: did not always update search results correctly after changes made
13 favourites
Local variables could have the wrong initial value in nested function calls
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Layout view: possible crash zooming in a long way while displaying a very large grid size
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Timeline Bar: crash dragging a folder on top of a track or inside another folder
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Animations Editor: possible crash pasting pasting an image from the clipboard
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Tilemap Brush Editor: possible crash when closing the editor
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Timelines: runtime crash when saving the state of a timeline which hasn't be played yet
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Instant Games/Playable Ads: possible incorrect sizing on iOS
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iOS export: after opening the keyboard on a "notched" device the layout remained scrolled above the top of the screen
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Mobile advert: exporting as a iOS cordova project would not compile
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Touch and hold not bringing up menus on iPadOS 13+
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Layout view did not display correctly in mobile mode on iPadOS 13+
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Possible crash going back when editing a family condition/action (regression in r178)
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Error using multiplayer in C2 runtime (regression in r172)
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Could not preview C2 runtime projects using Facebook plugin