View a comprehensive history of all the bug fixes in Construct 3 since the first release.

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Can now open different versions of the same project (previously showed a "this project is already open" error)
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Navigating items in dialogs with arrow keys after a search could select filtered items
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Ctrl+Mouse wheel during preview would change the UI scale in the editor
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Possible crash closing a project while renaming an item
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Focus now correctly transfers to the rename label when adding a layout and choosing an option from the dialog
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Previewing with a window sometimes stopped working
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Multiplayer examples can now preview
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Effects could render incorrectly after making the editor window larger then smaller
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Platform max fall speed also limited the jump speed
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Menu items with sub menus are not triggered anymore after scrolling in touch devices
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Crashes in the image editor when trying to edit standalone graphic files
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Crash after closing projects with the same fonts twice
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Crash opening About dialog in Opera browser
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Using drag-and-drop with import files triggers the main editor drag-and-drop
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Using Import Files dialog's drag-and-drop crashes
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Ctrl-plus and Ctrl-minus now zoom in the Layout View rather than changing browser zoom
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Some behaviors could move faster than the maximum speed if they had a very high acceleration
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Properties Bar: did not show size properties for Tilemap object
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Context menus could sometimes be left behind
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Free edition limits did not always update after logging out
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Crash using object expression as instance variable name
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Possible crash selecting all events
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Parameters dialog: autocompleting a string name would insert unwanted characters typing the final "
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Crash running project with tilemaps in a family
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Anchor behavior: some options were swapped
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Animations editor: issue duplicating animations
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Animations editor: a number of bug fixes with the UI and drawing tools
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Tilemap Editor: crash using the rectangle tool with no tiles selected
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Tilemap object: crash showing the collision polygons of each tile
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Issue encoding audio with the Import Audio dialog
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Recent projects did not work in the main menu
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Unable to clone text objects on layout view
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Opening a local file should now more reliably show the open dialog