zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • i have told Tom many time but seems he is working on them or he didn't see them ^^

  • you are welcome ^^

  • about the tablet it has many things that you will don't like it in the future like camera,3g and so on... but for gaming its really good ^^

  • o.o what are you making ???

  • to make the score always showing in the game you should make a new layer with parallax = 0,0 in the properties tab

  • check this link its hard the same idea you wanted ^^ just change it from lifes to time (dt) or you can use every x second subtract 1 from global... and when you eat apple add to global...

    (from Kiyoshi)


  • you can check this topic : http://www.scirra.com/forum/enemy-jump-towards-player_topic53116.html?KW=enemy+follow+platform

    hope this is last thing XD

  • ok do this:


       condition: keyboard: z pressed

       action1: player: play animation and use the attack animation



       condition1: player collision with enemy

       condition2: player playing "attack" animation

       action: enemy destroy

    you can upload your capx to help you if you want ^^

  • i really couldn't understand what you need but i think this capx will help you its from (michelangelo) try to edit it and make your own style because this is his game and he has his own copyright of it ^^ in this topic : http://www.scirra.com/forum/google-play-rps_topic53647.html?KW=Scissors

    download the capx and see what you can do with it ^^

  • put the capx it will help us to know the problem , about arrays they sets variable as x,y and they can store many value

    put a variable in the object

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  • CAWithey , relax the new update will come soon o.o be patient

  • yes since i jioned the forum i saw that everyone talk as a devoloper they don't talk as a construct user :P so even me i started with talk like them for example they call( everytick condition with always) and(event with if)

    and when i notice that its really hard to know these stuffs as we are a beginners so i started to use the words that construct users should use (condition,action,event, properties, plugin,behaviors,...)

  • ok i don't know if you understand this ^^ but here is the way you will put 1 object with 4 frames or 4 animation but all has same name like (enemy1,...)

    so this object will have boolean variable and put a global variable = 1 so now event will be like this :


    condition: system :compare two value --> global = enemyobject.frame

    action: set boolean = true


    condition1:player colision with enemyobject

    condition2:system: compare two value --> enemyobject frame = global

    condition3:enemyobject is boolean

    action1: enemyobject destroy

    action2: system add 1 to global

    event3 :

    condition1:system : compare two value --> enemyobject.count = 0

    action: go next layout

  • instead of doing what your friend said ,tell him what you really should do ^^

  • hmmm yes i know we can't make the player to choose his keys that's why i made this topic to make it in todo list ^^ but about the game you said if i clicked down+up it will slow in the controller you can make it R2+L2 or up from left analog and down from right analog, even squar + circle ( im talking about PS3 controller there is some more professional controller for PC ).

    and about asking people in what keys i should use its really hard to keep asking in every game they everyone going to give me his own keys so ill lost in this way.

    (my opinion:" if i didn't like the keys i don't play the game ^^ ")