zsangerous's Forum Posts

  • 2 days ago (naelian) made a tutorial for us to support WASD keys instead of arrows keys while i don't like WASD and (CodeMasterMike) wanted Dvorak keyboard so what we should do?? o.o the idea is that we want something to support everything.

    when we see the PC games like shank, rayman, battlefield, callofduty... all of them has option of the keys you can use whatever you want joystick, mouse,keyboard so why we can't do that ?? why can't we put a textbox with value this value can be stored in the keyboard so event will be like this:

    when (text box1) key pressed > player move right and we can set a default value for each textbox like in this example (right-arrow) and so on in all the keys ^^ i hope we can see this soon

  • o.o nice game but i didn't get it XD i should take out the blue marbles or the green??

  • you really need to read manual, tutorials o.o its hard to learn everything from forum ... about press enter you need to insert object (keyboard in plugin tab) then you can make that even this thing is less than the basic you should knew it before you made account for scirra ^^

    so the condition is : keyboard: key is pressed --> enter put this condition on the 2 events... i hope you read the manual ^^ read the part you need it now (plugins,behaviors,objects,expressions,system,...)

  • hmm i think ashley mean if you made maximum 30fps the weak devices will have lower like 10-15 and the good one will have 30fps so why don't you make it 60fps for the good one and 30 for the weak .. the ratio doesn't change!

  • o.o i think this can't happen , just make full screen mode

  • and to the events (when enter is pressed)

  • nice game ^^ i wish you keep updating it ^^

  • o.o nothing in the object they look fine...owt@Tom could you check his game why its not working

  • ok to do this you need (sprite object with 2 frame([open door,close door])

    so these frames will be 0 and 1 put the speed of animation to 0 and put doors in the game so now the event:


         condition1:player:collision with door

         condition2:door: compare frame --> = 0

         action1 :door: change frame = 1

         action2 :door: solid disable


         condition1:player:collision with door

         condition2:door: compare frame --> = 1

         action1 :door: change frame = 0

         action2 :door: solid enable

  • i think you should give us a picture of the objects you used because the arcade doesn't support all the plugins.

  • Joannesalfa , you can put a global variable = 10 for example and everytime object created it will substract 1 from that global variable so you will put a limit when the global variable = 0 it will not create object for example : global varibale (createobj) .. so events will be like this :


        condition1:system :every x second or everytick

        condition2:system : compare two value --> createobj greater than 0

        action : system :create sprite at random,random


       condition1:sprite: is created

       action:system: subtract 1 from createobj

  • i don't really know what do you need , but if you want the player always facing (one side) for example right side you can do this from 8-direction properties tab "set angle" change it to no and it will fix the problem.

    with event

       condition : everytick

       action : set player angle to (0 for example).

  • have you checked my capx ?? o.o i made an animate sprites when i fall to the grounds so just change the animation to the frames you want...

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  • o.o this game has almost my new game idea aaaa my game going down :P keep the good work :)

    could you add webstorage on levels because i reached high level and i need to re-do it now -.- looong time aaa