Zero999's Forum Posts

  • Orb Shifter is a Shmup based around the polarity mechanic also seen in games such as Ikaruga and Kyotokei. Players can absorb enemy attacks of the same color as their shield and must alternate between red and blue in order to survive.

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  • Back in Construct 2, the exported project only included the OGG files and the final apk ran fine. Now, exporting with Construct 3 keeps the MPEG-4 files, which greatly increase the file size and could be causing slower loadings.

    Would it be okay if I remove the MPEG-4 prior to exporting with C3, so that the final apk/aab doesn't have them? Will there be any problem on Android?

  • I'm not 100% sure if that's the cause but the game I'm preparing for an android release got error messages from google test devices after I started compiling them in version 308.2. I reverted back to 308 and there was no error on the following report.

    Just thought the Construct team should know.

    Here's some examples of what google listed:

    Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void, long)' on a null object reference

    at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull (

    at android.os.Parcel.createException (

    at android.os.Parcel.readException (

    at android.os.Parcel.readException (

    at$Stub$Proxy.attachApplication (

    at (

    at (

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke

    at$ (

    at (

    Caused by android.os.RemoteException: Remote stack trace:

    at (

    at (

    at (

    at (

    at (



    Process:, PID: 1484

    DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause


    FATAL EXCEPTION: lowpool[46]

    Process:, PID: 13215

    DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause

    FATAL EXCEPTION: lowpool[53]

    Process:, PID: 13215

    DeadSystemException: The system died; earlier logs will point to the root cause

  • As I test my game, I often upload an app bundle compiled in C3 to the Play Console's internal testing, then use that to get an apk. But the apk already comes with some highscore values from older versions. If I compile an apk directly with C3, it doesn't come with anything saved (which is correct). Is there a way around this? Because I'm afraid of later releasing the game, only for some highscores to be automatically included on it.

  • Hi! Can you help me? My app was having this same problem when opening, I already tried to follow the recommendations of the android 12 splash screen link, but I was not successful. Could you send me a c3p project that animation works for new android 12?

    What animation? It's supposed to be just an image. follow the guidelines, make the image, import it to the icons file and make sure to select it's purpose as splash icon for android.

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  • Some screenshots from Orb Shifter. A game that I intend to release soon on Google Play.

  • Orb Shifter is a Shmup based around the polarity mechanic also seen in games such as Ikaruga and Kyotokei. Players can absorb enemy attacks of the same color as their shield and must alternate between red and blue in order to survive.

    Available for pre-registration on the Play Store:

    More information at

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  • This is probably the new android 12 splash screen. Make sure to set up the correct icon in c3.

    More info here:

    Thanks. Now it's fixed.

  • Everytime I open the apk, instead of just a full black splash screen followed by the loading logo + bar screen, I get my loading logo stretched 2-4x it's normal size over the splash screen. Is that normal? If all else fails, I'll be forced to make the loading logo just a black square png because I don't want players to open the game and see an ugly super stretched logo.

  • I do not agree with that. Normally my games are big and heavy, and on mid-range devices it always runs smoothly.

    They were running smoothly when compiled from C2. Now the C3 compile shows performance issues. I'm now making adjustments to compensate for it but it sucks.

  • It is you who has to know your game, check the size of the folders, and check if it is the music or the images. Use the web format, and replace your sound files.

    I don't think you get it. THE SAME PROJECT, UNCHANGED FROM C2, is ending up twice as big when compiled in C3.

  • It has long been written that you need to move from C2 to C3. And they gave me time. Where have you been?

    C3 games work great on mobile!

    The builds run worse than Construct 2.

  • After some testing, I can confirm that using C3's build for apk (debug or not) results in SERIOUS performance issues when compared to what I was getting from C2. Exporting it as a Cordova project and compiling it with Reinarte has better results than C3 apk but is still worse than the same proccess coming from C2. But the play store will only register support for the new api if you go for the C3 build. The apk is also twice as big compared to C2.

    I was almost ready to release the game I made in C2 on the play store but now have to deal with this BS. Is there at least an update scheduled for the compile -> Cordova project to support the latest android api? Because I might barely be able to work with that.

  • > how do I change the splash arts and loading logos in that case?

    Are you using the latest version of C3? It should support API 31.

    I got it but only using the C3 to get the .aab directly. Exporting it as a Cordova project and compiling on Reinarte was still getting api 30. I already found how to change the icons.

  • > > > Instead of every tick,do "every 1 second"

    > >

    > > Hi, this is just a generic example, you can even remove the every tick and it will jank.


    > Are you sure that you tested without "every tick" in APK? If yes then I would like to go in past and say something important to myself regarding game engine

    Yes off course I tested that.This particular file example is not the problem, I did this example because of the problem.

    Thanks for the feedback anyway

    Does this problem also happens when you make it an app bundle and open through Google Play Console? Or is it exclusive to exporting the project as an apk?