C3 exports being worse than C2 is unacceptable.

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  • After some testing, I can confirm that using C3's build for apk (debug or not) results in SERIOUS performance issues when compared to what I was getting from C2. Exporting it as a Cordova project and compiling it with Reinarte has better results than C3 apk but is still worse than the same proccess coming from C2. But the play store will only register support for the new api if you go for the C3 build. The apk is also twice as big compared to C2.

    I was almost ready to release the game I made in C2 on the play store but now have to deal with this BS. Is there at least an update scheduled for the compile -> Cordova project to support the latest android api? Because I might barely be able to work with that.

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  • It has long been written that you need to move from C2 to C3. And they gave me time. Where have you been?

    C3 games work great on mobile!

  • It has long been written that you need to move from C2 to C3. And they gave me time. Where have you been?

    C3 games work great on mobile!

    The builds run worse than Construct 2.

  • I do not agree with that. Normally my games are big and heavy, and on mid-range devices it always runs smoothly.

  • I do not agree with that. Normally my games are big and heavy, and on mid-range devices it always runs smoothly.

    They were running smoothly when compiled from C2. Now the C3 compile shows performance issues. I'm now making adjustments to compensate for it but it sucks.

  • Since the introduction of the C3 runtime a lot of projects actually run significantly faster in C3. It's difficult to help without more information, especially since the whole C2/C3 changeover went down years ago now. Some older devices have graphics driver glitches which can cause jank or low performance, so it might be something like that - modern devices should be fine though.

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