Zero6's Forum Posts

  • I'm not sure if someone has made this point already, but I had an interesting thought about the Xbox One.

    Paraphrased from an email I wrote recently:

    ..Seeing how the Xbox One is aiming to be an all-in-one entertainment machine, my question is this: Who owns the console?

    For example, you may have bought a TV for your living room. While you certainly own that TV, you can't do with it as you want. The TV belongs to the family, and you need the family's approval before you can do anything with or to it.

    With that in mind, the Xbox One would be just like that TV. If you want to take it to a friend's house or you're going out of state and you want to play with it, you can't. It would depriving the family of the console's services.

    You also can't use the "Snap" features (like watching a movie and making a Skype call at the same time), because that would interrupt what the family is doing with it.

    Basically, I don't think Microsoft thought this console through very well...

    Who is this Xbox marketed to? If it's for the family, they can't really use the "snap" features without degrading their entertainment experience ("It's like watching a movie with your cell phone on"). If it's for a single person, they can't really play games on it as much, because the family would be busy watching TV, movies, etc on it (if the console is in the living room as Microsoft wants).

    Any thoughts? :P

  • I think California was trying to say you could do something like this:

    Play by Name

    • choose("BGM1","BGM2")

    Your method also works though. :D

  • I've sent you some PM's recently about Super Ubie Land. Wasn't sure if you saw them. :P

  • I'll need to know what was hard to read about the text :) I haven't had anyone else tell me it was too hard to read yet aside of it scrolling too fast at the start - but that version never made it onto the forum!

    <img src="" border="0" />

    In my opinion, the text has colors that don't contrast very well, making it difficult to read. When I first tried to read the text in the opening, it gave me a bit of eyestrain. I think the text would better with just two colors.

    (Unrelated to the point above: After seeing the giant boss of level 1, I thought the NES couldn't move sprites that big. :P)

  • The art style is great! Gameplay seems pretty good so far! :D

    Not a fan of the wall-jumping mechanics though (in their current state). They are too difficult to pull off correctly. Can you have it so that the player automatically sticks to the wall, so you can just press the jump button to wall jump? I'm not sure...

    (Incidentally, I always thought wall jumping was more of a gameplay mechanic for the SNES than the NES :P)

    Some other things:

    -Somehow, I fell through the acid around the beginning of the third stage and kept falling infinitely.

    -In stage two, the wolves spawn in the walls and fly out like bullets. Is that just buggy movement or are you emulating some of the weird things NES games do on occasion? Either way, it's a bit unfair.

    -The text is hard to read, especially in the prologue.

    -A restart/reset, tutorial (or if you're really dedicated to this, a small manual. If I'm right, most NES games didn't have tutorials, so all gameplay and story was explained in the manual :P), and a full-screen toggle would be nice.

    Keep it up! :D

  • If you press Tab and then Enter while in a game exported with Node-webkit, it takes you to Google's "What Browser?" page.

    Since you don't need a browser to run Webkit-exported games, can you remove this or disable it?

  • In 128.2, if I rename an effect, it gives an error.

  • I'm not sure about these ideas... I've never really played that many sidescrolling stealth games...

    What if the player doesn't immediately start running when the movement keys are pressed? Holding down the left or right arrow key will make the character start moving slowly until they get to walking speed. Holding and releasing these keys in a certain rhythm could cause a slow walk or sidestepping movement or something...

    (This would probably be weird to get used to... :P)

    You could also try crouch/down arrow key + arrow keys for slowed movement and a sprint button/double-pressed arrow keys for running.

    (This is probably most practical...)

    Or the character could just move slowly by default :P

    I don't know... Take a look at other sidescrolling stealth games on PC and see what they did!

    (I recall a Williams arcade game called "Bubbles" that did a sort of analog movement with a digital joystick. I doubt that helps though... :P)

  • I've noticed that if you go to the desert level and then back to the forest level, the desert music keeps playing.


    Not sure if this is possible, but is there a way you can cancel the firing of the melon. That is, if your finger goes offscreen, the shot is cancelled.

    Sometimes, I was preparing my shot, then realized I needed to zoom out.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Setting the angle of a sprite to one of its Imagepoints and another object, then subtracting 180 works normally. But if you get close to the Object, it flails violently. Not subtracting will do the same thing, but less violently and have to get closer to the arrow.

    Is this a bug or is my logic just wrong?

    Set Angle to ImagePoint CAPX

  • Thank you for your help, everyone!

    The computer I'm using to build this, while "adequately"-powerful, is still about 3 years old! So I was a bit worried about the game's FPS on other's computers.


    59 FPS shouldn't be a problem. 55-60 FPS is pretty much what I'm aiming for.

    Whoops! Forgot to mention that command in the instructions!

    (Pressing Space changes weapon)


    I thought the ship even at its lowest speed setting was too fast anyway! :P

    I will be changing that soon.

  • As I am developing this game, I am worried about how well it will run on other people's computers. If you would like to help me with this, follow the directions below.

    Go to the link below. See how the game runs on your computer!

    Reply by telling me the game's FPS and if it feels playable.

    (Providing the specs of your computer would also be helpful!)

    Try it out here!

    (This game uses WebGL effects. Use Chrome preferably, but let me know how it runs in other browsers. This game uses some effects I demonstrated in my "Pseudo-3D shmup" thread.)

    Player Controls

    Arrow Keys---------- Move

    Control------------- Shoot

    Space--------------- Change Weapon

    Shift--------------- Change Speed

    Debug Commands

    R------------------- Restart

    Z------------------- Suicide

    H------------------- Self-Harm

    Shift+H------------- Healing

    Thank you for your time!

  • Windjammers is one of my favorite games! :D

    (I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't played it!)

    This game looks quite good. The artwork is very good and professional-looking!

    However, I don't think it plays as well as Windjammers. I think part of it has to do with the characters being relatively small. I've also noticed there is no way to aim your shots as well, like in Windjammers where you can your shots can curve, move at right angles, etc.

    That being said, this game is pretty good as it is, but I think it needs some improvement. Tighten up the controls, and I'll think you'll have something here! :D

  • Ever since I started using Construct 2, I've been trying to recreate a game I made called "Sky Warrior".

    Using R0J0hound's Mode 7 Effect, I am able to recreate the 3D ocean used in Sky Warrior!

    Sea Mode Example

    I also tried a much more experimental version in which the player's ship is on the ground and can move back and forth into the horizon.

    Ground Mode


    The 3D effect is dependent on your browser supporting WebGL effects!

    It will not work and will look terrible, if your browser does not support them!


    Arrow Keys -------- Move

    Control ----------- Shoot

    Space ------------- Ignores Movement Input

    Click the button on the top-left for fullscreen.

    (I tried it, but the frame rate suffered on my computer.)

    Click the speaker to toggle music.

    Wait a brief moment for the music to load.

    May be a bit loud. Adjust your volume accordingly.

    Edit: Changed the links to ""Zero62013-04-08 03:17:23

    Edit2: I was asked for the capx's for these demos. Here they are! Note that they are a mess, especially the ground mode capx.

    Sea Mode capx

    Ground Mode capx

  • This is actually how I handle homing shots in my other games. However, the Hunter is doing something very different.

    Notice how in the video, when the enemy is behind the player, the Hunter shots will suddenly slow down and move backwards toward the enemy.

    BTW, that's a slightly disturbing avatar you've got there. o_O