Zebbi's Forum Posts

  • Zebbi

    See my new LOOP.capx :

    Add "system condition: Is with in angle" --

    CarF.Angle within 3 degrees of CarF.LJ.ForceAngle

    before angle checking, you could try to increase (insensitive) the "within" degrees or decrease (more sensitive) it to see the result.

    Ahh, I understand that! It looks perfect on your example, have you got magicam? I'm using that plugin to sort out zooms and such, and I'm getting shaking but I can't tell if it's my implementation or not? If you don't, I can try and use scrolling to see if it help the issue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5xb1deue5spe ... .capx?dl=0

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  • Zebbi

    The car AI is described in event 1~ 6 in your LOOP.capx.

    - event 1 : when to update the command of the car

    - event 3, 4 : turn left or turn right the car

    - event 5, 6 : slow down or speed up the car

    You might change these conditions.

    ( The leading angle is CarF.LJ.ForceAngle )

    rexrainbow I'm not sure how to still have the car move properly whilst not adjusting left/right in increments, I'm sure if I was good at math I might be able to figure it out, but playing with these figures and it's not helping or changing anything. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing to be honest, I think I want the left/right steer to update less frequently?

  • I'm using XDK and I can force portrait, but I can't figure out how to disable auto-rotate. If it rotates with the force portrait setting (via C2 layout properties, browser plugin and even third-party plugin for XDK) the game rotates to landscape with the game in the centre with huge bars either side. Any ideas how to disable auto-rotate?

  • as we found even with Insanity's Blade that there are major issues with Node Webkit export of larger games, causing issues in Linux and MacOSX exports, and also issues with updating past r192 and NW 10.5.

    Is it still a good tool to use for making your indie titles? Yep!

    What kind of major issues were these?

  • justifun

    This behavior only provide a "leading angle", user need to use this angle case by case.

    For example, car AI demos use this "leading angle" to simulate turn left/turn right. Crowd or rocket demos use this "leading angle" to rotate the angle.

    The parameters A,n,B,m will affect the result of "leading angle".

    rexrainbow would this method help smooth the micro shakes that the cars have? I tried playing with the parameters, but it didn't help.

  • Awesome plugin rex as usual.

    Question: In the "crowd" demo for example, sometimes the little boxes wiggle really quickly instead of following a smooth arc. Which of the settings would i need to play with to smooth our their movement? I'm not sure what the parts of the equation mean in relationship to how they move.


    Did you figure out how to take the little jiggle out of the motion? I understand the objects are constantly attracting and rejecting forces, but I'd like to smooth it so the cars aren't shaking as they move, looking a little like they're driving over rough terrain

  • Zebbi

    I fixed in this capx, see event 9.

    Perfect! Thank you so much for your help, I'm trying to get my head around this great sequence of events, but some of the expressions are quite detailed for my poor head! Thanks again!!

  • Zebbi

    Call function "Waypoints.Init" (Guide event sheet) to reset the waypoints. Checking if the car had hit the last waypoint is in event 9, event sheet Car AI.

    Thanks, that's working, the cars do a kinda cute little loop-the-loop and then they set off again <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing"> Do I need to reset the way point earlier to avoid this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/nl57zl4k2c4yx ... .capx?dl=0

  • Zebbi

    Sine I uses private variable to sort waypoint in instance group object, and pick them in order. I could put them back and sort them again while the group is empty, i.e. car had hit the last waypoint.

    I'm trying to see if there's a way to call the initial function that clears and orders the waypoint instances when the car hits the last waypoint, is this possible? And how?

  • Zebbi

    Yes, the order of waypoint is set in private variable, you might replace it by your picking method.

    rexrainbow So, you could pick, say, nearest waypoint instead of using fixed indexes?

    Finally, what's the best way of doing laps with the car? Currently, the goal function runs when it reaches the last way point, how can I make the car go round again to the first waypoint?

  • Zebbi

    Check the setting of this rex_LJpotential behavior in family CarF, sprite waypint, sprite blocker. You could copy from my sample capx.

    Two questions, how many instances o a waypoint can you have? I've made 10, and the 11th is causing the car to drive down towards the bottom of the screen. If I delete it so there's 11, it's okay. Also, what are blockers for? I would assume to top the car from going to waypoints behind walls, but I'm finding it's not really doing that?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0177n4jbck3gr ... .capx?dl=0

    EDIT: Fixed it by changing the indexes of each waypoint <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Zebbi

    Check the setting of this rex_LJpotential behavior in family CarF, sprite waypint, sprite blocker. You could copy from my sample capx.

    Aww, I'm sorry for bothering you with this, it was my fault, I forgot to setup the objects the same, really apologize for not checking that first. Can I just take the opportunity to say what an amazing plugin this is, so many useful applications to it, so many of your plugins are invaluable!!

  • rexrainbow I tried cloning all of the events and objects into a new project for playing with, but the cars don't start. What's missing that should make them move? https://www.dropbox.com/s/kpyvn92j9poln ... .capx?dl=0

  • Well, like in the bulletevent, you should check if you're not at the last node, because destinationnode+1 doesn't work there..

    Well, for flexibility, I'd need to tell it "the last node" or something, I can't use a fixed number because I'd have to manually change it for every track I used this on. I can't see anything under pathfinding where I can condition this?

  • I think it's because the path find has to go to an image point, Finding the path to Finish.ImagePointX is saying ImagePointX does not take 0 parameters?

    EDIT: did it with Finish.ImagePointX(0) but the sprite is still rotating on the finish of the path?

    Here's a CAPX https://www.dropbox.com/s/p6ew8id1m9pus ... .capx?dl=0