Zebbi's Forum Posts

  • I also followed this tutorial, but it doesn't seem like the same sections are there (from what I can read through the German) https://shatter-box.com/knowledgebase/g ... a-version/

  • Hi! Some of them went to our old office (Electroline House). I am going to pick them up at some point in the not too distant future and PM people when I do! In the meantime, please take note of our new address which should be updated everywhere

    Don't worry, any sent to our old address are not lost!

    Edit: Blarg, saying that, old address is still in forum footer! My fault, sorry!

    Oops, that's a wee bit...

  • I've followed these steps from the manual:

    [quote:37zneqyv]To ensure your finished game has permission to access the Google Play Game Services, click the Linked apps section while editing the game in the developer console. Click the button to link a Web app. You will need to fill out details such as the URL it is played from and some authorisation details. Once completed, you should be given a client ID. This should be in a format similar to:


    But all Google Play Dev Console lets me fill in is name of the app and the package name. I'm not sure what to put in the package name, so I just use package.MYGAMENAME.com (I replace MYGAMENAME with the real name). I click continue and authorize my app now, and it says:

    [quote:37zneqyv]API requests are sent directly to Google from your clients' Android devices. Google verifies that each request originates from an Android application that matches the package name and SHA1 signing certificate fingerprint name listed below.

    I have no idea what I am supposed to do here?

  • Hopefully they still do, i just sent mine!

    They should share a panorama wall of the postcards, would be interesting

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Solomon



    I think you 3 mentioned that you'd be interested in this solution when I posted it. Sorry it took me so long to get around to it. Hopefully it is still relevant. (: Also Tokinsom , you might find this interesting as well. Colludium - I think we talked about this like a year ago lol.

    Wow, this is incredible! I'm looking forward to hacking away and trying this, I really appreciate the effort you've gone to to figure out how to give us this pretty important feature. How does it fare with C2 updates, btw? Not that I'm complaining!

  • Any step-by-step instructions to ensure the screen stays portrait at all times?

  • Or does GooglePlay plugin in C2 do that same job?

  • First you need to have an .apk online. Doesn't have to be live but you need your signature/footprint to link you rgame service to the app. If you have an apk uploaded you can go to google game service and link it to an existing app. It will show you all your possible apps.

    The you should integrate cranberry's game plugin. That gives you simple events like "submit score" and "open leaderboard". If you set this up you need to give it the "highscore id" shown in your google games setup. When you export it to intel xdk you need to add your google app id to that.

    It works very well.

    Is this still the preferred way of loading the google games leaderboard? It seems easy enough to follow, just wanted to make sure there wasn't a built-in way of doing this now like there is with AdMob?

  • I sent mine a month ago, hopefully it got to the HQ okay

  • OMG...this plugin is absolutely *amazing* ... thx soooo much, Rex, this will spare me several headaches.

    I think this plugin should be a standard in C2, it's that useful!

  • >

    > > Construct 2, properties, and you can set Orientation Lanscape or Potrait only (default "any") it's help?

    > >


    > > You need to select portrait in the build settings of XDK.

    > >

    > I tried both these and added the screen orientation plugin, but it still twists the screen so there's black bars either side (I'm mentioning this so you know it's not turning my game widescreen, it's just not locking the orientation).


    If you built it for Crosswalk, did you make sure you changed the tab of build settings to 'Android (crosswalk)' and didn't accidentally set things up for normal Android build? That tab is open by default and I sometimes accidentally set things up there.

    If you still can't get it to work, you should probably ask about it at the XDK forums as well:


    Yeah, performance is a lot better disabling standard Android and just using Crosswalk, but no luck fixing it to portrait even when the phone is on it's side. The emulator also doesn't lock the orientation :/

  • Construct 2, properties, and you can set Orientation Lanscape or Potrait only (default "any") it's help?

    You need to select portrait in the build settings of XDK.

    I tried both these and added the screen orientation plugin, but it still twists the screen so there's black bars either side (I'm mentioning this so you know it's not turning my game widescreen, it's just not locking the orientation).

  • I did that but the screen still rotates, I can confirm that other apps from the store can lock my screen, but XDK isn't doing it right :/

  • Sorry, I missed a load of search articles, just put in the right keyword

  • I have an object with a custom movement. I'm having it accelerate towards another objects position (which is moving in a fixed path), except by the time it arrives, the other object has already moved, and it misses it's mark. I want to somehow calculate predicatively where it should arrive by adding some distance pixels onto the mark in the direction/speed that target object is moving. What sort of expression might I use for this?