> > Construct 2, properties, and you can set Orientation Lanscape or Potrait only (default "any") it's help?
> >
> > You need to select portrait in the build settings of XDK.
> >
> I tried both these and added the screen orientation plugin, but it still twists the screen so there's black bars either side (I'm mentioning this so you know it's not turning my game widescreen, it's just not locking the orientation).
If you built it for Crosswalk, did you make sure you changed the tab of build settings to 'Android (crosswalk)' and didn't accidentally set things up for normal Android build? That tab is open by default and I sometimes accidentally set things up there.
If you still can't get it to work, you should probably ask about it at the XDK forums as well:
Yeah, performance is a lot better disabling standard Android and just using Crosswalk, but no luck fixing it to portrait even when the phone is on it's side. The emulator also doesn't lock the orientation :/