Zebbi's Forum Posts

  • Hello all,

    I recently bought this package.

    Bug report november 2015:

    Blank project C2 Release 216

    Compiled with Cordova CLI platform Android

    Tested on mobile/tablet android 4.2.*

    -> Parse Push Notification

    The app crashes when the Push is sending or when we touch the notification or when we do nothing...

    -> Revmob plugin video

    The rewarded video is not launching, even with the demo download on http://cranberrygame.github.io/

    (and the button in C2 are invisible!)

    Finally, I was surprised when I discovered the mention in all C2 plugin monetization:

    "If no license key, 2% ad traffic share for dev support."

    "You can get paid license key: https://cranberrygame.github.io/request ... icense_key"

    I had never saw it before I buy the plugin...

    That's dodgy <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">

  • You can download all construct2 cordova plugins (google drive) from here:


    I'm getting Error: Plugin "cordova-plugin-game" (1.0.114) failed in XDK, I can't say that the plugin works as it should thus far.

  • cranberrygame I was recommended to try Cocoon.IO instead of using cranberry's plugins with XDK, and that ended in a spectacular failure, and Ashley recommends using XDK as a primary compiler anyways. I literally haven't got a clue where to begin since I've never done this before but I've learnt loads about how use XDK, I've followed this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/186 ... index.html and this: https://github.com/cranberrygame/cordova-plugin-game but every time I get the same error. I tried grigrizljac idea of adding File plugin, and that did absolutely nothing to help.

    I just don't know what it's trying to tell me. Why would it fail to install a plugin that XDK is installing from third-party? Is this something I can fix or is it someone else's end that needs sorting? I'm totally out of ideas and while I expected C2 to have it's hiccups with making android apps, I never expected anything so difficult as this, and I'm completely lost.

  • Zebbi I have some ideas about what's causing this and I'll have a look later today, see if I can get it patched up.

    linkman2004 is it a bug with MagiCam or is there a workaround?

  • cranberrygame do you have any ideas? i know $5 is nothing, but I still wouldn't mind actually TRYING this plugin

  • Tried a fresh project in XDK, and tried both CLI 4.1.2 and 5.1.1 and they both have the same error (5.1.1 just says Error: Plugin "cordova-plugin-game" failed to install.

  • This might help ... Add "File" plugin to Intel XDK. That solved many errors I got because of different plugins. But maybe that's not the problem.

    Just tried that, and unfortunately it didn't help. I can't understand the problem, I've followed all of the steps related to this plugin, and it's not giving me any more details than "Error: Plugin "cordova-plugin-game" (1.0.114) failed to install".

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  • I know this is a cranberry/XDK issue, but has anyone figured out what is causing this? I've deleted the bits from intelxdk.config.additions and that stopped the other error, but I can't get this one sorted. I've installed it via github obviously, but what is causing it to fail when it's being built?

  • Zebbi I have some ideas about what's causing this and I'll have a look later today, see if I can get it patched up.

    Wow, thanks so much if you can, this has been driving me crazy all day!

  • linkman2004 These are the settings I use, and when I switch layouts, it's still scaled (zoomed in) and when I use scrollx, it just jumps back, as if magicam is locking the scroll?

  • Zebbi are you using global cameras? Local cameras will only work inside the layout they're created on, which sounds like what you need.

    linkman2004 Yea, I'm using a local camera, that's the confusing part. Do I need to disable it somehow? I've tried most of the settings, I can't use scrollx on another layout if I've been to a layout that use magicam before-hand, and it doesn't set the scaling back when I change layouts.

  • How do I deactivate the camera on different layouts? It screws up menus with it being on, especially on scaled cameras. How do I destroy a camera and return to using scrollto for menus?

  • I think I need to use cranberry, GoogleApps plugin is for web games only? :/

  • This is what I get when I click "Authorize Your App Now".