For those of you who have been around awhile, you may remember Mk. He was developing an online plugin and was making some awesome progress but then disappeared. Well I was looking at the old topic and noticed he had a link to his site in his sig. So I went to investigate. Through his site I found the contact information and emailed him. After a few days I received this response back:
[quote:1yucdlqx]Hi Yankeesbro, I remember of my construct online plugin,
the reason behind my sudden vanishment was a terribile
HD crash that made all the source gone forever, I had
some backups on my site but because of a server problem
my provider was forced to erase my webspace some days
before my HD died, you know, i'm a lucky guy.
I've never said anything on the forum because, at first,
I had in mind to start again from scratch but I had some
busy times and I've never even menaged to start coding it
again. After quite some time, when I had some spare time
to start recoding my plugin I thought that it would have been
probably too late as even when I was working on it the first time
integrated multiplayer support was planned to be released
in the near future so I felt demotivated and I gave priority to some
other project of mine. I really don't know now if I can find enough
interest and enthusiasm to try to code it again even if I'm sure it
would be easier than before I really don't feel like making
promises I may not be able to keep.
Anyway if an online plugin is still really needed I think that I can
at least try and see if I can come up with something.
So there is still a slim chance for him to work on it, so I thought if you showed him support and told him all the interesting projects you would use this for he might get re motivated.
So I will send him a link to this topic when it gets nice and full to show there is still a great interest in this plugin.
Here is a link to the old topic for those interested: