Or do our devs just drink too much beer while they program?
I'm a staunch defender of release early, release often though - we did release early, and it did **** (it took a few builds before save worked and we sucked as coders back then), but we got some early interest and feedback on the program design. It rightly got a reputation for being buggy, but that's well on the mend now. However, release-early-release-often is advocated for open source projects, I guess commercial business has more to lose with a dud first release.
Who cares if they directed that comment at us (we really are a hobby project anyway), but I would say release-early-release-often is a better model than absolute silence. I don't know why they won't even release a few screenshots or demo games - it would dispel any suspicions of vapourware, nobody's going to run off with their content and steal their millions, people would take them more seriously, and by the looks of things most of their userbase would detonate with excitement!
Still, no need to get trollish over this, if they release and it's good, game on