wretchedshark's Forum Posts

  • ozboybrian - I PM'd you as well with links to the work I've done :)

  • can't you zip from inside your game folder to get the correct structure?

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6bvvvj97ahi8cw5/rezip.jpg" border="0" />

  • Anybody got any simple touch based (or regular simple) game ideas they're willing to part with? I find I keep starting prototypes/projects that are large in scale, and would like some simple ideas but can't think of anything good.

    Here's an idea of mine if anybody wants it:

    • A puzzle platformer where the player changes it's shape on touch, and this is the basis for the puzzles in each level.
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  • Rhindon - i think BluePhaze has the right idea, if you add a System Trigger Once While True condition to event 18 in "EventChar Enemy" event sheet it correctly starts chasing the player when the player is in the vision cone.

    While the overlap condition is true it while continually recalculate a path to the player, and making it not chase while the overlap is true.

  • ^ try adding a trigger once while overlapping to path find, or every X seconds while overlapping

  • bump for interest, am also wondering if it's possible to track overall stats with construct 2.

  • vee41 - Is it possible to take the principle from getting an AI to walk around a room by turning to a certain direction because the walls were different sprites?

    By this I mean something like

    Leftwall is overlapping Topwall > (trigger once) create sprite at X: (topwall.X - 25), Y: (topwall.Y -25)

    25 is just an example number of pixels of course, and this assumes the origin point is very top left of the sprite.

    edit: for your second picture on the right side where the small box meets the big one the bottom section of the wall would need to be a left wall and the top portion a right wall.

  • Found a plausible solution if anyone was wondering.

    Inside C2:

    1 - System > compare two values > WindowWidth (greater than) [your max window width]

    1 - System > compare two values > WindowHeight (greater than) [your max window height]

       Action > set Canvas size [your max window width and height]

    outside of C2 (once your project is exported) you can add -[amount of px you want as padding]

    Query(window).resize(function() {

    cr_sizeCanvas(jQuery(window).width()-25, jQuery(window).height()-25);


    for percentage of the screen, bracket and times by the percentage as a decimal (this is 90%):

    Query(window).resize(function() {

    cr_sizeCanvas((jQuery(window).width()*0.9), (jQuery(window).height()*0.9));


  • The project I'm working on requires scaling for all sorts of screen sizes and letterbox integer scale proved to scale down too much on odd screen sizes (mobile). While I like the Letterbox scale - it solves that problem - I would only like it to scale down, so when its at it's native resolution it won't scale past that and be too large.

    Is there something I can do to the exported HTML (or the project) to specify a maximum size for the canvas?

    I basically want to have it at a max size so the art doesn't distort on large screens but also would like this so I can put a webpage behind it.

    Any suggestions?

  • Arima - Thank you! Are there any other possible workarounds?

    If it's quite large I assume making it a global object would probably cause problems for weaker devices since it would never be destroyed (from layout to layout) right?

    sqiddster - thanks for the reply! Its for a project that is not mine, it's a gif to explain the "story" - given it's size I expected a delay (it's quite large and just over 100 frames) they are concerned about the delay, so I was looking for solutions.

    The delay seems to happen every time whereas sound delays after first loading are no longer there, so it must be combination of the size and the browser loading it when it is first drawn.

    Thanks again for the replies, I always like learning more about improving performance <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Ashley - this is a slightly old thread, but I'm having trouble with this now, so I hope you don't mind the resurrection:

    Would splitting a 100 frame animation into smaller chunks of animations within the same sprite help performance issues? Say, instead of 100 frames in one animation, doing 4, 25-frame animations (and then setting them to run one after the other).

  • I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, but I couldn't get the webfont to work in chrome so I just added a "preloader" (text box with the webfont set and some text in it, out of view) and then in the next layout (where I wanted it to work) it loads fine. Never had a problem with FF or IE, just Chrome being stubborn?

    Also hitting F12 on chrome to bring up the developer tools would make the webfont appear also.

  • ghostmentor - do you have all the audio and stuff? or sample audio? i've been working on something similar for another person, and should be able to do what you want.

    this is just a rough idea of the base functionality i prototyped:


  • zordork - i can't suggest a name without at least going for one pun <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    the INNteresting story of ___

    i am a fan also of catchy one word names (Limbo):

    • Gone
    • Missing
    • Vacancy
    • Vanished
  • RandomExile - thanks for the feedback! i've been meaning to update my example as i changed the jump mechanic slightly, still need animations and a better hop so it doesn't feel like the player is just floating up and down in space, perhaps that will help? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />